Scope and arrangement
The correspondence, photographs, clippings, music, and various papers gathered here represent the activities of Hulda Lashanska from 1908 to 1961. The bulk of the collection falls between 1920 and 1930, and as a whole the collection primarily covers Lashanska's early and middle career years. Alphabetical arrangement by author has been used with the correspondence and music, the photographs are generally organized by size and then alphabetically by subject, the clippings chronologically: other small series are organized by subject.
The first series of correspondence is nearly all letters to Hulda Lashanska from a variety of major musical figures of the day such as Serge Koussevitzky, Josef Hofmann, Jascha Heifetz, and Ossip Gabrilowitsch. There are a few letters not to Hulda Lashanska in the collection, and one “letter-book” by Hulda Lashanska written during her 1925 tour. The letters range in date from 1908 to 1971, the bulk of which are from the 1920s and 1930s.
The second series of photographs, primarily arranged by size and subject, consists of portraits and snapshots of Hulda Lashanska and many signed portraits of other notable musicians of the early 20th century. The photographs range in date from 1910 to 1957, the majority of which are from the 1920s and 1930s.
The Hulda Lashanska Papers include three scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, programs, with a few letters and telegrams. The scrapbooks range in date from 1910 to 1934. Series four is a grouping of loose newspaper clippings, arranged by subject and then chronologically. The subjects of the clippings are reviews of Hulda Lashanska's performances and one folder of clippings regarding the engagements and marriages of her daughters.
A small assortment of programs, primarily of performances by Hulda Lashanska, makes up series five. The programs range in date from 1917 to 1944. Series six is a grouping of miscellaneous pamphlets, flyers, merit certificate, and lists. The final series, series seven, is a collection of songs arranged alphabetically by author, ranging in publication date from 1887 to 1930. Many are inscribed and signed by the composers.
The Hulda Lashanska papers are arranged in seven series: