Found 31 collections related to Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919

Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement (New York, N.Y.)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1542
Records of a social settlement founded in 1891 on the Lower East Side of Manhattan by The King's Daughters, an organization of Episcopal church women, and Jacob A. Riis. Incorporated in 1898 as The King's Daughters Settlement, the institution was... more
Finley, John H. (John Huston), 1863-1940
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1000
105 linear feet (168 boxes)
Collection contains correspondence, addresses and speeches, writings, diaries, miscellaneous papers, photographs, and printed matter that document Finley's varied career. Correspondence, 1892-ca.1939 reflects his professional activities,... more
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Clemens
717 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of portraits, pictorial works, manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence from, to, and about the author, a diary for 1885, a notebook for 1895, portraits, and pictorial works.
Gilder, Richard Watson, 1844-1909
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1154
22 linear feet (46 boxes)
Richard Watson Gilder (1844-1909), American poet and editor, served as editor-in-chief of Scribner's Monthly and its successor The Century Illustrated Monthly. He was active in many civic improvement and public service organizations. Collection... more
Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Gregory
8,178 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, financial and legal documents, notebooks from 1881 to 1929, diaries from 1881 to 1913, journals from [ca. 1916] to 1932, correspondence dating from 1873 to [1965],... more
National Civic Federation
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2101
207 linear feet (496 boxes; 11 volumes)
The National Civic Federation (NCF) was a New York-based conservative think-tank and reform alliance with strong ties to the Republican Party. It was founded in 1900 by the journalist, editor, and economist Ralph Easley (1867-1939) and others.... more
Bowker, R. R. (Richard Rogers), 1848-1933
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 355
61 linear feet (126 boxes)
Records consist of general and family correspondence, personal papers, subject papers, writings and speeches, diaries and travel journals, financial records, papers of Bowker's father, Daniel Rogers Bowker, scrapbooks, photographs, printed matter,... more
Levy, Richard John -- collector
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 4809
.63 linear feet (2 boxes)
The Richard John Levy and Sally Waldman Sweet Collection contains letters and documents signed by prominent political figures, military leaders, authors and scientists. The date span of the collection is from 1766-1935. Notable individuals include... more
Greene, F. V. (Francis Vinton), 1850-1921
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1235
3 linear feet (6 boxes, 11 v.)
Francis Vinton Greene (1850-1921) was an American soldier, engineer and author. His military duties included serving as military attaché in Russia in 1877, teaching at West Point, and commanding volunteers during the Spanish-American War. In 1903... more
Forster, Henry Atherton, 1868-1932
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1048
4 linear feet (12 boxes)
Henry Atherton Forster (1868-1932) was a lawyer and historian in New York City. Collection consists of Forster's correspondence, questionnaires and scrapbook of newspaper clippings. Correspondence, 1916-1932, is with prominent American and foreign... more
Sherman, J. S. (James Schoolcraft), 1855-1912
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2743
31 linear feet (72 boxes)
James Schoolcraft Sherman (1855-1912), lawyer, banker and vice-president of the United States, began his political career as mayor of Utica, N.Y. in 1884. In 1886 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and served until 1908 excepting... more
Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2590
8 linear feet (12 boxes, 1 package)
Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935) was an American poet. He lived in New York City and also worked at the MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Collection consists of the Lewis M. Isaacs (1877-1944) collection of E.A. Robinson's... more
Welling, Richard, 1858-1946
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3279
21 linear feet (55 boxes)
Richard Ward Greene Welling (1858-1946), New York City lawyer and reformer, was founder of the National Self Government Committee and president of the George Junior Republic. He was active in political and municipal reform and belonged to many... more
Shaw, Albert, 1857-1947
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2736
251.91 linear feet (237 boxes, 45 volumes and 2 microfilm reels)
The Albert Shaw Papers contain correspondence (professional and personal); files concerning the books, articles, and speeches Shaw authored, administrative records and articles from the Review of Reviews; and many... more
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Roosevelt, T
29 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, and correspondence.
Ordway, Edward Warren, 1864-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2300
1.2 linear feet (3 boxes)
Edward Warren Ordway (1864- ) was a New York City lawyer and political activist. He was secretary from 1899 to 1904 of the Anti-Imperialist League of New York (later the Philippine Independence Committee) and of the Filipino Progress Association... more
Deming, Edwin Willard, 1860-1942
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 766
.4 linear feet (1 box)
Edwin Willard Deming (1860-1942) was an American painter and sculptor. He studied in New York and Paris and painted scenes from his visits with Indian groups in the Southwest and West of the U.S. Collection consists of correspondence of Deming... more
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2621
.42 linear feet (2 boxes)
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) was the 26th President of the United States. Before his presidency, he held offices at the city, state, and federal levels. The papers consist largely of letters written by Roosevelt between 1890-1918 to various... more
Ford, Paul Leicester, 1865-1902
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1043
Paul Leicester Ford (1865-1902) was a historian, novelist and playwright. The bulk of the collection consists of general and family correspondence and manuscripts and typescripts of Ford's writings.
Reform Club (New York, N.Y.)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 554
.65 linear feet (4 volumes)
The City Reform Club was organized at the home of Theodore Roosevelt as a non-partisan club to promote better municipal government in the city of New York.
Bigelow, Poultney, 1855-1954
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 302
34 linear feet (64 boxes, 2 v.)
Papers consist of family and general correspondence, Bigelow's writings, biographical materials, papers of his first and second wives, and related materials. Family correspondence, 1864-1954, and general correspondence, 1880-1954, contain chiefly... more
Anthony, Alfred Williams, 1860-1939
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 115
19 linear feet (48 boxes)
Alfred Anthony Williams (1860- ), theologian, author and educator, was an executive and administrator of the Committee of the Federal Council of Christ, founder of the Federation Committee of Good Will Between Jews and Christians, and treasurer of... more
Riis, Jacob A. (Jacob August), 1849-1914
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2579
3.81 linear feet (8 boxes)
Jacob August Riis (1849-1914) was a journalist, author, social reformer, and photographer. He was born in Denmark and emigrated to the United States in 1870. While working as a reporter for the New York Tribune, he began his crusade to improve... more
Wald, Lillian D., 1867-1940
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3201
21 linear feet (50 boxes)
Lillian D. Wald, a public health nurse and social worker on New York City's Lower East Side, was a pioneer in American social work and public health. She founded the Henry Street Settlement and the Visiting Nurse Service of New York in 1893 and... more
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 23252
.7 linear feet (1 volume)
Theodore Roosevelt was the twenty-sixth president of the United States. His manuscript draft of Volume 1 of The Winning of the West was written after his return to New York following two years ranching in the Dakotas. It comprises approximately... more
Russell, Annie, 1869-1936
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2646
Collection consists of letters to the noted American actress, 1874-1940, from theatrical and literary figures, family and friends, as well as writings and personal papers.
Butterfield, Hilda Johnston Waters, Lady
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 444
.2 linear feet (1 box)
Hilda Johnston was later Mrs. William L. Waters (her husband was a British engineer who worked in the U.S.) and then Lady Butterfield. Collection consists of letters received by Lady Butterfield from prominent persons, together with a few... more
Hall, Bolton, 1854-1938
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1288
9 linear feet (21 boxes and 3 v.)
Bolton Hall (1854-1938) was an American lawyer and author. He prepared the expurgated text of the King James version of the Bible (called The Living Bible) in addition to writing and speaking on topics such as social reform and political economy.... more
Kohns, Lee, 1864-1927
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 645
6 linear feet (19 boxes, 3 v.)
Collection consists of letters and documents, ca. 15th-19th centuries, collected by Lee Kohns. American and European historical, literary, artistic, and scientific figures are represented.
Towne, Charles Hanson, 1877-1949
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3014
4.7 linear feet (9 boxes)
Charles Hanson Towne (1877-1949) was an author, editor and popular New York celebrity. From 1924 to 1929 he edited many magazines including Smart Set, Delineator, Designer, McClure's, and Harper's Bazaar. He also wrote poetry, novels, plays,... more
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