Scope and arrangement
The papers basically covers the many social and reform organizations Welling was involved with. Prominent correspondents include Thomas E. Dewey; Virginia Gildersleeve; F. H. LaGuardia; Winifred Letts; Eleanor Roosevelt; Franklin S. Roosevelt; Theodore Roosevelt; Norman Thomas & H. G. Wells.
Organizations include A. S. P. C. A.; Boys Brotherhood Republic; Citizens Union of New York; City Reform Club; George Junior Republic; Municipal Arts Society; National Sculpture Society; Philharmonic Symphony Society; Roosevelt Memorial Association; American Labor Party and Citizens & Non Partisan Committee. His interests also include civil service reform, New York City parks and the National Self Government Committee.
The remaining papers are writings that include a typescript of Welling's autobiography "As the Twig is Bent"; scrapbooks, printed material and photographs.
The photographs are mainly of Welling from childhood to adult.
The papers of Richard Welling are arranged in two main series: 1) General Correspondents and Prominent Correspondents 2) Organizations and subject correspondence