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x1851 - 1900

Found 65 collections related to Programs

Filtering on: x1851 - 1900
Myers, Henry, 1893-1975
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-MSS 2012-016
9.56 linear feet (26 boxes)
Henry Myers (1893-1975) was an American writer and lyricist who wrote in many genres of fiction including plays, musicals, motion pictures, revues, and novels. Before becoming a writer, Myers was a composer and classical pianist. The Henry Myers... more
Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957
Music Division | JPB 90-1
330 linear feet
Arturo Toscanini was born in Parma, Italy, on March 25, 1867, and died in Riverdale, New York, on January 16, 1957. Many regard him as one of the world's greatest conductors. In addition, Toscanini's anti-Fascist stance during World War II... more
Tracy, Arthur, 1899-1997
Music Division | LPA Mss 2005-002
35.03 linear feet (24 boxes)
This collection contains materials related to Arthur Tracy’s radio, stage, and film career as the Street Singer. Materials include correspondence, manuscript and sheet music, photographs, and posters. There is little personal material.
Sembrich, Marcella, 1858-1935
Music Division | JPB 91-94
75 linear feet
Marcella Sembrich was a Polish born coloratura soprano who sang leading roles in European and American opera during her highly successful career. From 1898 to 1909 she was a regular member of the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York. She continued... more
Michel, Artur
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 181
8.36 linear feet (20 boxes)
The Artur Michel Papers primarily document the professional concerns of the German-born dance critic and scholar, who immigrated to the United States after the Nazi rise to power. Michel settled in New York, where he became a reviewer for the... more
Martin, John Joseph, 1893-
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 260
17.14 linear feet (45 boxes)
John Martin (1893-1985) was America's first major dance critic. The John Martin papers (1890-1985) document the pioneering critic's career, as well as his interests in theater, the history of dance, and dance education.
Black, Ivan, -1979
Music Division | JPB 06-20
22.8 linear feet (55 boxes)
The Ivan Black Papers document Black’s work as a publicity agent on behalf of nightclubs, musicians and entertainers in New York from the 1940s to the 1970s. They include press releases, clippings, correspondence, photographs, promotional material... more
Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957
Music Division | JPB 90-1
330 linear feet
Arturo Toscanini was born in Parma, Italy, on March 25, 1867, and died in Riverdale, New York, on January 16, 1957. Many regard him as one of the world's greatest conductors. In addition, Toscanini's anti-Fascist stance during World War II... more
Pastor, Tony, 1837-1908
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1995-028
3.5 linear feet (7 boxes)
Tony Pastor is considered the "Father of American Vaudeville". The collection consists of photographs (mostly of Tony Pastor), manuscript scripts and actor's sides for vaudeville skits, handbills, a limited amount of correspondence and personal... more
Jacobs, Paul
Music Division | JPB 88-8
ca. 12 cubic ft. (36 boxes)
An American pianist and harpsichordist, Paul Jacobs, 1930-1983, specialized in music of the baroque and avant-garde. Correspondence, clippings, programs, personal documents and items; manuscripts and typescripts of writings by Jacob and others;... more
Stead, Hiram
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1933-001
<600 portfolios>
The Stead Collection gives a comprehensive depiction of the English theater. $bThe collection consists primarily of playbills, programs, clippings and prints, but also contains manuscript material consisting of letters, photographs, legal and... more
Reeves-Smith, Olive, 1894-1972
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1962-002
The papers of Olive Reeves-Smith consist of correspondence, clippings, personal papers, programs, scrapbooks, sheet music, and photographs. Also included are the papers of Harry Reeves-Smith and those of her actorhusband Fuller Mellish, Jr.
Golden, John, 1874-1955
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1958-007
97.39 linear feet (114 boxes, 11 volumes)
John Golden (1874-1955) was a songwriter and theatrical impresario who wrote, directed, managed, or produced over 100 shows in a career spanning more than 40 years, including Lightnin', Claudia, and Susan and God. The collection predominantly... more
Operti, G. (Giuseppe), -1886
Music Division | JPB 91-121
33 items
Giuseppe Operti, "pianist to His Majesty Victor Emmanuel 2nd, late King of Italy," was later a performer, teacher, and composer in the United States. 7 programs, 20 clippings, business card, caricature, 2 copyright registrations, silk broadside... more
Kaun, Hugo, 1863-1932
Music Division | JPB 04-5
2.5 linear feet (5 boxes)
Hugo Kaun, composer and choral conductor, was born in Berlin Germany on March 21, 1863. Following his father’s death in 1886, he went to the USA and settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he worked as a teacher, composer and choral conductor. He... more
Hayes, Helen, 1900-1993
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1990-026
29 linear feet (42 boxes)
The Helen Hayes papers span the years 1817–1963 and consist of correspondence, the majority from friends and colleagues; speeches and writings, including drafts and handwritten index cards of speeches; clippings from her earliest days in theater... more
Hadley, Henry, 1871-1937
Music Division | JPB 86-17
Henry Hadley was an American composer and conductor, founder of the National Association for American Composers and Conductors. Correspondence, contracts and royalty statements, libretti and programs, clippings (reviews), scrapbooks, financial... more
Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn, 1862-1935
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1975-003
12.4 linear feet (29 boxes, 1 volume)
Langdon Elwyn Mitchell (1862-1935) was an American playwright, poet and professor of playwriting. The Langdon Mitchell papers consist of drafts of Mitchell's plays, journals and diaries and notes and texts for his lectures.
Burt, Laura, -1952
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1952-004
1.25 linear feet (3 boxes)
The Laura Burt Papers document portions of both her personal and professional life as an actress in the U.S. and England from the late 19th century through the middle of the 20th century.
Gomme, Laurence J. (Laurence James), 1882-
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1993-004
Laurence Gomme was a bookseller, appraiser, publisher and collector. His collection consists of letters, programs, clippings and photographs.
Wilson, John W., 1927-1992
Music Division | JPB 04-6
7 linear feet (22 boxes)
The John Wilson papers document his career as a composer, choreographer, and teacher. The collection contains scores dating from Wilson’s college years in the early 1950s, materials relating to his career as a dancer and a teacher and other... more
Moyse, Marcel, 1889-1984
Music Division | JPB 02-11
8 linear feet. (23 boxes)
Papers of Marcel Moyse, flutist and expert teacher in French-style flute. The collection primarily contains papers and scores relating to Moyse’s work as a teacher.
Hill, Martha, 1900-1995
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 264
5.71 linear feet (14 boxes)
Martha Hill (1900-1995) was one of the most influential dance instructors of the 20th century and the first director of the Juilliard Dance Division. Janet Mansfield Soares worked with Martha Hill as a student, colleague, and teacher of dance... more
Bradley, Lillian E
Music Division | JPB 06-24
2.5 linear feet (2 boxes)
Lillian E. Bradley was a singer, entertainer, and producer. This collection consists of Bradley's photographs, one scrapbook of recital programs and thank you letters from various groups she entertained, and one folder of loose clippings,... more
Gruenberg, Louis, 1884-1964
Music Division | JPB 04-29
20.6 linear feet (16 boxes)
The composer Louis Gruenberg, was a pioneer in forming an American style of classical music. Best known for his opera The Emperor Jones, his Papers consist primarily of scores and sketches, but also include writings,... more
Fryer, Katharine Homer, 1907-
Music Division | JPB 09-3
58.3 linear feet (84 boxes)
The Louise Homer Collection extensively documents the lives and careers of Louise and Sidney Homer, as well as the history of their extended family. It was assembled by Katharine Homer Fryer, one of the Homers' twin daughters. The collection... more
Hoving, Lucas
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 269
2.35 linear feet (6 boxes)
Lucas Hoving (1912 - 2000) was a modern dancer, choreographer and teacher. The Lucas Hoving papers document the professional and personal life of the noted dancer and choreographer with a focus on Hoving's choreography.
Holler, John, 1904-
Music Division | JPB 06-36
2 linear feet (3 boxes)
John Holler (1904-1977) was an organist and choir director from New York City. He performed in churches for most of his career, occasionally participating in secular concerts, as well. Holler also composed and arranged music for the organ. The... more
Cornell, Katharine, 1893-1974
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1965-002
202 linear feet (257 boxes)
: Katharine Cornell was an American actress and producer. Guthrie McClintic was an American director and producer. They both worked the New York theater from 1915-1960. This collection includes correspondence, personal files, scripts, production... more
Schindler, Kurt, 1882-1935
Music Division | JPB 93-1
The Kurt Schindler Papers represent the life and career of Kurt Schindler, a conductor, composer, music editor and folksong musicologist. The material covers his early musical interests and compositions, his career in the United States as an... more
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