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Found 11 collections related to Public library trustees -- New York (State) -- New York
New York Public Library. Board of Trustees. Executive Committee
New York Public Library Archives | MssArc 4908
23.25 cubic feet
The Executive Committee, one of the original standing committees of the Board of Trustees, takes general charge of the administration of the affairs of the N.Y.P.L. Corporation. It is empowered to act on behalf of the Board of Trustees in between...
New York Public Library. Board of Trustees. Finance Committee
New York Public Library Archives | MssArc 4912
9 cubic feet
The Finance Committee, one of the original standing committees of the Board of Trustees, has general direction of the N.Y.P.L. Corporation's finances, particularly the investment of funds. It consists of no fewer than three trustees, the Treasurer...
New York Public Library. Board of Trustees. Secretary
New York Public Library Archives | MssArc 4883
Records of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of The New York Public Library. The Secretary is a member and officer of the Board and is responsible for the keeping of the records of The New York Public Library Corporation and the minutes of...
New York Public Library. Board of Trustees. Art Committee
New York Public Library Archives | MssArc RG5 4923
.1 cubic foot
The Art Committee of the Board of Trustees, established in the Library's early years, has general supervision over pictures, paintings, statuary, and other objects of art belonging to the N.Y.P.L. Corporation. Records of the Art Committee consist...
New York Public Library. Board of Trustees. Treasurer
New York Public Library Archives | MssArc 4894
12.75 cubic feet
The Treasurer of the Board of Trustees is a member and officer of the Board, responsible for the financial matters of the N.Y.P.L. Corporation. Those who have served as Treasurer for the period of the records here described are: Edward King...
New York Public Library. Board of Trustees. Committee on Branch Libraries
New York Public Library Archives | MssArc 4920
.4 cubic foot
The Committee on Branch Libraries, formerly the Circulation Department Committee, and prior to that, the Committee on Circulation, oversees the operation of the circulating libraries in the N.Y.P.L. system. It was established in 1901 as a standing...
New York Public Library. Board of Trustees
New York Public Library Archives | MssArc 4931
Records of three founding members of The New York Public Library Board of Trustees: John L. Cadwalader, Lewis Cass Ledyard and George Lockhart Rives. Records document the founding and early years of The Library.
New York Public Library. Board of Trustees. Clerk
New York Public Library Archives | MssArc RG5 4933
.2 cubic foot
The Clerk of the New York Public Library was delegated by the Board of Trustees in its early years to carry out various official and legal duties. During the period of these records, the position was held by Alanson T. Briggs, who became the Agent...