Found 222 collections related to Photographic prints

Samrock, Carl
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2019-012
2.5 linear feet (3 boxes)
Carl Samrock was a Broadway press agent and freelance photographer in the late 1960s and 1970s. The Carl Samrock photographs reflect his photographic work from 1967 to 1977, showcasing theater performances, actors, and people across the... more
McGrath, Camilla, -2007
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 24314
124.41 linear feet (103 volumes, 59 boxes)
Earl McGrath was a writer, music executive, art collector, and gallery owner. His wife, Camilla Pecci-Blunt McGrath, was an Italian countess and photographer. The Camilla and Earl McGrath papers document the couple's exceptional social life,... more
Eagle, Arnold
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | *MGZEB 18-2791
17.55 linear feet (24 boxes)
The Arnold Eagle dance photograph collection documents national and international ballet companies from 1934 through 1965. Formats include photographic prints, black and white negatives, color transparencies, and contact sheets. There are also... more
Smith and Dale
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2008-001
4.86 linear feet (11 boxes)
Joe Smith and Charlie Dale were a well-known vaudeville duo known as Smith and Dale who performed around the United States for over seventy years. The collection contains an extensive run of scripts for Smith and Dale sketches, material reflecting... more
Smith, Randall B., 1916-1989
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2790
3 linear feet (4 boxes)
Randall B. Smith (1916-1989) was a veteran of the International Brigades who fought in the Spanish Civil War, and an active member of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Collection consists of materials relating to the Spanish Civil War... more
More Fire! Productions
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2008-003
1 linear foot (2 boxes)
Scripts, photos and publicity document the eight plays produced by the women's theater collective, More Fire! productions, in New York City's East Village from 1980-1987.
Guimard, Adeline Oppenheim, b. 1872
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1264
.4 linear feet (1 box)
Adeline Oppenheim Guimard (1872- ) was an American artist noted for her portraits in gouache and colored crayons. Her works were exhibited in Paris, New York and other cities in the U.S. She was married to Hector Guimard, a French architect and... more
Haste, Gwendolen
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1349
3 linear feet (8 boxes)
Gwendolen Haste (1889-1979) was an American poet. She wrote poems and short stories, worked in public relations at the General Foods Corporation from 1926 to 1954, and was active in the Poetry Society of America. She won the Nation Poetry Prize in... more
Kolodin, Irving, 1908-1988
Music Division | JPB 06-40
77 linear feet (157 boxes)
The Irving Kolodin Papers document the career of Irving Kolodin, music critic, author of several books and teacher at the Juilliard School. The collection dates from 1844 to 1986. In addition to Kolodin’s papers, dating from 1915-1986, there are... more
Jay, Karla
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1554
27.68 linear feet (59 boxes, 1 tube); 82 audio files, 49 cassettes
Karla Jay is a lesbian feminist activist, author, and former professor of English at Pace University (New York). The collection contains correspondence, typescripts, and other items chiefly documenting Jay's work as a professor of English and as... more
Crawford, Cheryl, 1902-1986
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1973-004
Cheryl Crawford, producer and director. Her papers include correspondence, production files, scripts, photographs, ephemera, ledgers, financial materials and scrapbooks documenting her career.
Rodwell, Craig, 1940-1993
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2606
7 linear feet (21 boxes)
Craig Rodwell (1940-1993) was an American gay rights activist. He was active in the Mattachine Society in New York City and in 1967 founded the Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop, the first bookstore devoted to serious writing by gay authors. A... more
Belasco, David, 1853-1931
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1931-001
Actor, manager, playwright, director, producer and theater owner, David Belasco was one of the outstanding personalities of the American theater at the turn of the century. He is most notable for his exotic stage productions, famous for their... more
Loudon, Dorothy
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2005-006
31 linear feet (82 boxes)
Dorothy Loudon (1925-2003) was a singer, comedienne and Tony Award-winning actress, who appeared in supper clubs, television shows, films, summer stock and on Broadway. The bulk of the materials in this collection are from 1940-2003. They... more
Van Lew, Elizabeth L., 1818-1900
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3135
.3 linear feet (1 box); 1 microfilm reel
Elizabeth L. Van Lew (1818-1900) was an American abolitionist and federal agent during the U.S. Civil War. She aided the Union cause by providing intelligence reports from Richmond, Virginia, where she lived. She helped Union prisoners escape from... more
Genet family
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1136
.8 linear feet (3 boxes)
Edmond Charles Genet (1763-1834), known as "Citizen Genet," was the first Minister of the French Republic to the United States. He later became a United States citizen and settled in New York State. Collection consists of land papers,... more
George, Henry, 1839-1897
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1137
8.5 linear feet (22 boxes, 15 v., l oversize folder); 15 microfilm reels
Collection contains George's correspondence, 1854-1897; diaries, 1855-1896; manuscripts of his writings; photographs; and family papers documenting nearly every phase of his life and career. Extensive correspondence includes letters to and from... more
Rosenthal, Herman, 1843-1917
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2630
.2 linear feet (1 box)
Herman Rosenthal (1843-1917), who emigrated to the U.S. from Russia in 1881, was the first chief of the Slavonic Division (now the Slavic and Baltic Division) of the New York Public Library. Collection consists of Rosenthal's personal... more
Berg, Moe, 1902-1972
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 267
.8 linear feet (2 boxes)
Morris (Moe) Berg (1902-1972) was an American baseball player, linguist, lawyer, and spy during World War II. Collection consists of correspondence, speeches, reports, photographs, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia reflecting Berg's... more
Tileston, Nathaniel
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | *MGZEB 22-0021
18.71 linear feet (36 boxes)
Nathaniel Tileston (1942-2019) was an American photographer of dance and performance art. The Nathaniel Tileston photographs date from 1964 to 2019, and represent his unusually concentrated career photographing experimental dance and theater... more
Billings, John S. (John Shaw), 1838-1913
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 304
48 linear feet (109 boxes); 53 microfilm reels
John Shaw Billings (1838-1913) was an American surgeon, hospital planner and librarian. He served as a U.S. Army surgeon and was responsible for creating the nation's foremost medical library, now the National Library of Medicine. He served as... more
Eastman, Max, 1883-1969
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1994-008
The Max Eastman papers contain primarily photographs of the silent film stars Florence Deshon and Charlie Chaplin.
American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 91
14 linear feet (14 cartons)
The American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society was founded in 1895 to preserve scenic and historic sites. The records contain correspondence, minutes, reports, photographs and printed material documenting the Society's work, chiefly in New... more
Willard, Avery
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1999-026
34 linear feet (76 boxes)
The collection documents the photography career of Avery Willard, photographer, filmmaker, actor, publisher, and gay rights activist.
Deutsch, Babette, 1895-1982
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 778
Babette Deutsch (1895-1982) was a poet, author and critic. Collection consists of correspondence, copies of her published and unpublished works, research and teaching notes, personal papers, photographs, and memorabilia.
Booth-Grossman family
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1967-001
The primary subject of this collection of family papers is the life of Edwin Booth, one of the most famous American actors of the 19th century. However, it has not been titled the Edwin Booth Papers because the bulk of the collection would more... more
Goodell, Charles E. (Charles Ellsworth), 1926-1987
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1172
303.5 linear feet (305 boxes)
Charles Ellsworth Goodell (1926-1987), lawyer, was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from upstate New York, 1959-1968, and U.S. Senator, 1968-1971. Although at first he was a conservative Republican, he adopted increasingly liberal... more
Central and Eastern European Planning Board
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 501
9.25 linear feet (20 boxes)
Collection consists of correspondence of Feliks Gross; minutes of the steering and other committees; reports relating to post-World War II planning and reconstruction in Eastern Europe; policy memoranda and research papers relating to the... more
Kilgallen, Dorothy
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1966-001
8 linear feet (18 boxes)
The Dorothy Kilgallen Papers and Scrapbooks consists of personal papers, photographs, and clippings documenting her versatile career as newswoman, actress, TV personality, radio hostess, wife and mother from 1930 to her death in 1965. The... more
Mendelssohn, Eleonora von
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1963
Eleonora von Mendelssohn was a German stage actress who emigrated to America at the time of Hitler's rise to power. She was actively involved in aiding other emigres and had much contact with the German acting community in Hollywood and New York.... more
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