Scope and arrangement
Collection consists of correspondence, reports, designs and plans, and scrapbooks of photographs documenting Norton's efforts toward the adoption of monorails for San Francisco and New York City. Papers include correspondence, 1947-1954; published and unpublished reports, 1948-1955, relating mostly to mass transportation in the San Francisco Bay area; and designs, blueprints and drawings of monorails, as well as related patents. Also, photographs in various formats and scrapbooks of photographs of New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad facilities and operations.
The papers date from the years 1947-1955 and relate to Henry K. Norton's work while trustee (1943-1953) and president (1953-1955) of the New York Susquehanna & Western Railroad; director (1943-1955) of Walter Kidde & Co; and member (1953-1955) of the New York City Transit Authority. The collection documents Norton's efforts for the adoption of monorails for San Francisco and New York City. There is correspondence from the years 1947 to 1954. Published and unpublished reports written by Norton and others span the years 1948 to 1955 and relate mostly to his work on mass transportation for the San Francisco Bay Area. Also included in the papers are designs, blueprints and drawings of monorail cars and brakes, as well as related patents.
The papers contain approximately 175 photographs in various formats, most of which are identified and dated, depicting the various facilities and operations of the New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad. Scrapbook Volume 1 (Road and Structures) contains photographs of stations and terminals in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. There are also several views of tracks, bridges and cuttings as well as aerial views of the New Jersey approach to the Lincoln Tunnel and a panoramic view of the piers in Edgewater, New Jersey. Volume 2 (Equipment) contains photographs of the exteriors and interiors of NYS & WRR trains, which are identified and dated. Volume 3 (Untitled) contains additional photographs of tracks, platforms, and cuttings. It also contains photographs of employees, several of whom are identified by name and date, as well as snapshots of company outings. Box 4 of the collection contains unidentified color and black and white snapshots and 8x10 prints of trains and tracks. There are also mounted 11 x 14 prints of streets in New York City and San Francisco with prospective monorails drawn in.