Found 124 collections related to Photographic prints

Filtering on: x1951 - 2000
D'Amboise, Carolyn George
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | *MGZEB 14-6764
25.36 linear feet (63 boxes)
The Carolyn George Photographs consist of approximately 100,000 images: black and white and color prints, contact sheets, negatives, and slides of both dance and non-dance subjects photographed by Carolyn George from the 1950s to 2005. The... more
Summers, Elaine, 1925-2014
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 422
24.8 linear feet (62 boxes, 1 oversize folder); 11.7 gigabytes (6283 computer files)
Elaine Summers (1925-2014) was an American dancer, choreographer, experimental filmmaker, artist, and teacher. The Elaine Summers papers date from 1929 to 2019 (bulk 1958-2014) and document her career, as well as the histories of the Experimental... more
Fehl, Fred
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | *MGZEB 18-2790
18.14 linear feet (27 boxes)
The Fred Fehl photographs collection consists of photographs and published materials related to Fehl's work documenting dance and theater performances, mainly in New York City. The majority of the photographs are black and white 5" x 7" prints.... more
Cahill, Holger, 1887-1960
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 451
6.5 linear feet (3 cartons, 10 boxes)
Holger Cahill (born Sveinn Kristjan Bjarnarson in Iceland) was an American novelist, curator of important art exhibitions at the Newark Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, folklorist, and national director of the Federal Arts Project, 1935-1943.... more
Ward, Frank Edwin, 1872-1953
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3217
Frank Edwin Ward (1872-1953), was an organist, composer and music teacher at Columbia University. His father, Cyrenus Osborne Ward (1831-1902), was a social reformer, historian, and author of The Ancient Lowly and other books on the history of... more
Negro Ensemble Company
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 345
89.38 linear feet (217 boxes)
The records of the Negro Ensemble Company (NEC), 1967-1993 document the work of the most successful African-American theatrical company in the United States to date. In addition to information about the productions, the records also document the... more
National Board of Review of Motion Pictures (U.S.)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2100
100 linear feet (179 boxes, 19 v., 52 trays)
The National Board of Review of Motion Pictures (U.S.) was created in 1909 as the New York Board of Censorship of Motion Pictures. The New York Board became the National Board of Censorship when it took the place of local boards in various cities.... more
Tileston, Nathaniel
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | *MGZEB 22-0021
18.71 linear feet (36 boxes)
Nathaniel Tileston (1942-2019) was an American photographer of dance and performance art. The Nathaniel Tileston photographs date from 1964 to 2019, and represent his unusually concentrated career photographing experimental dance and theater... more
Goodell, Charles E. (Charles Ellsworth), 1926-1987
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1172
303.5 linear feet (305 boxes)
Charles Ellsworth Goodell (1926-1987), lawyer, was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from upstate New York, 1959-1968, and U.S. Senator, 1968-1971. Although at first he was a conservative Republican, he adopted increasingly liberal... more
Jay, Karla
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1554
27.68 linear feet (59 boxes, 1 tube); 82 audio files, 49 cassettes
Karla Jay is a lesbian feminist activist, author, and former professor of English at Pace University (New York). The collection contains correspondence, typescripts, and other items chiefly documenting Jay's work as a professor of English and as... more
Wood, Roger
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | *MGZEB 95-5482
71 albums, 1 box ca. 10, 541 photographic prints
Roger Wood, a British photographer, was born in Madras, India, 1920. Starting to photograph ballet in 1944, he soon became one of the best know dance photographers in Great Britain. He has published several books of dance photographs, including... more
Strauss family
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2905
9 linear feet (25 boxes)
The Straus family of New York City were the descendants of Lazarus Straus (1809-1898) and Sara Straus (1823-1876) who emigrated from Otterberg, Germany in the early 1850s with their four children: Isidor (1845-1912), Hermine (1846-1922), Nathan... more
Cohn, Fannia M. (Fannia Mary), 1885-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 588
Fannia M. Cohn (ca. 1885-1962) was a labor official and educator. The papers document her career as an official of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
Guimard, Adeline Oppenheim, b. 1872
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1264
.4 linear feet (1 box)
Adeline Oppenheim Guimard (1872- ) was an American artist noted for her portraits in gouache and colored crayons. Her works were exhibited in Paris, New York and other cities in the U.S. She was married to Hector Guimard, a French architect and... more
Smallens, Alexander, 1889-1972
Music Division | JPB 89-88
ca. 6 cu. ft.
Alexander Smallens was a Russian-born American conductor. He accompanied the Anna Pavlova Ballet Company on a tour to South America (1915-1916) and worked on the staffs of the Boston Opera, Chicago Opera, Philadelphia Opera, and Philadelphia... more
American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 91
14 linear feet (14 cartons)
The American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society was founded in 1895 to preserve scenic and historic sites. The records contain correspondence, minutes, reports, photographs and printed material documenting the Society's work, chiefly in New... more
Willard, Avery
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1999-026
34 linear feet (76 boxes)
The collection documents the photography career of Avery Willard, photographer, filmmaker, actor, publisher, and gay rights activist.
Deutsch, Babette, 1895-1982
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 778
Babette Deutsch (1895-1982) was a poet, author and critic. Collection consists of correspondence, copies of her published and unpublished works, research and teaching notes, personal papers, photographs, and memorabilia.
Kolodin, Irving, 1908-1988
Music Division | JPB 06-40
77 linear feet (157 boxes)
The Irving Kolodin Papers document the career of Irving Kolodin, music critic, author of several books and teacher at the Juilliard School. The collection dates from 1844 to 1986. In addition to Kolodin’s papers, dating from 1915-1986, there are... more
Crawford, Cheryl, 1902-1986
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1973-004
Cheryl Crawford, producer and director. Her papers include correspondence, production files, scripts, photographs, ephemera, ledgers, financial materials and scrapbooks documenting her career.
Duberman, Martin B.
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 848
69.44 linear feet (164 boxes); 726.94 kb (434 computer files); 165 audio files, 109 cassettes
Martin B. Duberman, b.1930, is a historian and playwright who taught history in universities for over fifty years. He is the author of the play In White America, biographies of Charles Francis Adams, James Russell... more
Tucker, Richard, 1895-1958
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1995-005
1.75 ft. (4 boxes)
Richard Tucker (1895-1958), architect turned photographer, photographed Broadway plays, musicals and revues of the 1930s, 40s and 50s, mostly in their pre-Broadway tryouts in Boston. Photographs and slides document Broadway productions and some of... more
Eastman, Max, 1883-1969
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1994-008
The Max Eastman papers contain primarily photographs of the silent film stars Florence Deshon and Charlie Chaplin.
Berg, Moe, 1902-1972
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 267
.8 linear feet (2 boxes)
Morris (Moe) Berg (1902-1972) was an American baseball player, linguist, lawyer, and spy during World War II. Collection consists of correspondence, speeches, reports, photographs, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia reflecting Berg's... more
Delaney, Sadie P., 1889-1958
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 120
Incoming letters from W.E.B. Du Bois, Leigh Whipper, Mary McLeod Bethune, Langston Hughes, Ralph J. Bunche, James Weldon Johnson, Fannie Hurst, Booker T. Washington, Franz Boas, Benjamin Brawley, Countee Cullen, and others. Other letters from... more
Belasco, David, 1853-1931
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1931-001
Actor, manager, playwright, director, producer and theater owner, David Belasco was one of the outstanding personalities of the American theater at the turn of the century. He is most notable for his exotic stage productions, famous for their... more
Loudon, Dorothy
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2005-006
31 linear feet (82 boxes)
Dorothy Loudon (1925-2003) was a singer, comedienne and Tony Award-winning actress, who appeared in supper clubs, television shows, films, summer stock and on Broadway. The bulk of the materials in this collection are from 1940-2003. They... more
Kilgallen, Dorothy
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1966-001
8 linear feet (18 boxes)
The Dorothy Kilgallen Papers and Scrapbooks consists of personal papers, photographs, and clippings documenting her versatile career as newswoman, actress, TV personality, radio hostess, wife and mother from 1930 to her death in 1965. The... more
Jacobs, Paul
Music Division | JPB 88-8
ca. 12 cubic ft. (36 boxes)
An American pianist and harpsichordist, Paul Jacobs, 1930-1983, specialized in music of the baroque and avant-garde. Correspondence, clippings, programs, personal documents and items; manuscripts and typescripts of writings by Jacob and others;... more
Goldston, John (photographer)
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | *MGZEB 22-0023
0.71 linear feet (1 box)
John Goldston (died 1972) was an American photographer based in St. Louis. The John Goldston photographs date from approximately 1940 to 1959 and primarily document the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo and the Ballet Theatre (now the American Ballet... more
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