Separated material
Art and Artifacts
Schomburg Iconographic Collection: (Photographs, prints, film strips, broadsides, circulars, printed ads, motion picture film, and trade catalogs as well as unprocessed tapes and phonodiscs)
Sheet music: WE ARE AMERICANS, TOO, words and music by: Andy Razaf, Eubie Blake and Charles L. Cooke
Alabama, 1953, March 10
The Arts Quarterly (Dillard Univ.), 1937, October-December
The Democratic Digest, 1950, February
Ebony, 1953, February
Jet 1955, August 11
National Association of Colored Womens Clubs, Inc., 1960, July and
1961, Fall-Winter
Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life, 1928, December
Responsibility (National Association of Negro Business & Professional Women's Clubs, Inc.), 1953, Spring; 1957, Spring;
1962, Spring
The Voice, 1962, May
Historic Sites of New York State
This Is New York State
Your Business: A Handbook of Management Aids for the New York
372nd Infantry, 1944
The Advance, 1926, August 14; 1929, March 9; 1930, October 11;
1932, July 16; 1932, August 20; 1932, July 23
The Inter-State Tattler, 1931, May 7; 1930, August 1; 1932, June
16, pp 3, 4, 9, 10
The Handy News, Vol. 9, 1955 [?]
Bert Williams-autographed, "Sincerely your friend. Bert Williams to Tom"
1. Alone-WFA (includes one original, one copy and one negative)
2. WFA and others (includes one original, one copy and one negative)
3. WFA and Family (includes one original, one copy and one negative)
4. WFA and another woman behind poster of F.D. Roosevelt
5. Woman-unidentified, 1930s [?]
6. Ethel Waters-signed, "Sincerely, Ethel Waters"
7. WFA-white coat
8. Boy-smiling (damaged)
9. Utopia Neighborhood Club, 1923, January 14
10. Twenty-fifth anniversary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1934, March 13
11. Testimonial dinner tendered to Gov. Herbert H. Lehman, the Waldorf Astoria, N. Y., 1943, January 9
12. Grand St. Boys Party to Justice Francis E. Rivers, 1943, December 18
13. Testimonial dinner in honor of the Hon. James W. Johnson, sponsored by the Reveille Club of New York, Hotel Roosevelt, 1944, May 27
14. Testimonial dinner given to Wilhelmina Adams, Woodstock Hotel, 1944, July 7
15. Birthday Testimonial dinner in honor of William Christopher Handy, under the auspices of Negro Actors Guild of America, 1944, November 19
16. The Democratic County Committee of New York County Roosevelt-Truman-Wagner victory dinner, Hotel Commodore, 1945, February
17. Thirtieth award to Paul Robeson, The National Association for Advancement of Colored People, Hotel Biltmore, 1945, October 18
18. Testimonial dinner tendered to Ethel Waters, Park Sheraton, 1950, October 29
19. Citizens Planning Council, dinner in honor of Mrs. Edith Sampson, 1950, October
20. Fourth Annual Conference of the National Council of Negro Women, Y.M.C.A., Newark, N. J., 1952, March
21 National Council of Negro Women, n.d.
22 Same as above.
23. Banquet, New York Club, The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc., 1953, June 5
24. Testimonial honoring Silas Frazier Taylor, Sheraton Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, 1956, December 18
25. Utility Club, Waldorf Astoria, 1957, June 15