Scope and arrangement
The papers of Gottfried von Reigersberg span the years 1787 to 1961, with the bulk falling between 1920 and 1961. They are largely personal in nature, and most are written in German. Those papers antedating Gottfried's birth are the von Reigersberg family papers he inherited from his adoptive mother.
The Gottfried von Reigersberg papers are arranged in six series:
Divided into letters sent and letters received, the latter being partially arranged by correspondent and partially unsorted. Chief correspondents are Christoff Streit, Gottfried's natural mother, Viktoria Streit, his sister, Franciszka (Fanny) Streit, and cousins Raimund and Anna Aubele.
Includes school, military, and work certificates and papers, travel and emigration documents, some printed technical handbooks, World War II ration books, and papers relating to his membership in the Kingsbridge, Bronx, Masonic Lodge.
Contains papers relating to the estate of her brother, Phillipp Jacob Decker, and to a malpractice complaint she filed against a Florida ophthalmologist.
Includes Emilie Freien von Reigersberg s personal papers, Gottfried s adoption papers, genealogical charts, poems, drawings, prints, and other heirlooms, including an elaborate embroidery of human hair. A rare book found with these papers has been removed to the NYPL Rare Books section. It comprises the two titles: Geistlicher Streitt and Der Seelen Schaβ, both printed at Munich in 1627 by Cornelius Leyflerius
Consists of photographs of Gottfried, family, friends, and the town of Regensburg, Germany. Among the forms are cabinet cards, early snapshots, and an early color transparency.