Scope and arrangement
The records of the Outdoor Cleanliness Association (OCA) consists of 8 series; the first of these, Correspondence, comprises the bulk of the collection, and is comprised of a number of correspondence files containing letters, memoranda, and printed matter. Included are: general correspondence; and correspondence concerning: air pollution; with city agencies (including the departments of Building and Housing, Air Pollution Control, Health, Parks, Sanitation, Traffic, Transportation, and the Board of Education); special interest groups and other community organizations; education and public awareness projects and fund-raising events; the OCA annual "Flower Hart"; social events, such as balls and dances; membership; and board meetings. The other series are the Minutes and Reports of the Board of Directors; Financial Records, comprised for the most part of check and account books; the correspondence files of the OCA Junior Committee; Graphic Works -publicity posters of OCA events, as well as a few paintings; Photographs of OCA members and events; and finally Clipping Books containing newspaper clippings (largely from society pages) concerning OCA activities and members
Eight series: Correspondence; Minutes and Reports; Financial Records; Junior Committee Records; Directories/Memo Books; Photographs; Graphic Works; Clipping Books