Scope and arrangement
The records of the National Association of Regional Ballet (NARB) were donated to the Dance Collection by Doris Hering, the executive director. The records generally remain in their original order except that the photographs have been organized in their own series. I. Records A. General records B. Festival records II. Photographs III. Oversize
The first series contains general business records including financial records, by-laws, promotional materials, mailing lists, and fundraising presentations. Festival records are arranged by regional festival and then, chronologically.
The second series includes photographs of the companies involved in the yearly regional festivals and choreographic conferences. They include performance and rehearsal shots, and photographs of official ceremonies. Photographs are arranged by company or festival, and then by date. Most of the festival photographs are unidentified. For information about the companies represented, please consult the records in series one.
The National Association for Regional Ballet records and photographs are arranged in two series: