Found 26 collections related to Quinn, John, 1870-1924

Moore, George, 1852-1933
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Moore, G
1,314 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, legal documents, an undated notebook, and portraits.
Maloney, William Joseph Marie Alois, 1881-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1854
4.51 linear feet (11 boxes, 2 volumes, 4 oversize folders)
William J. Maloney was a neurologist and a member of the Irish independence movement in the United States. The Maloney Collection of Irish Historical Papers contains material relating to the history of Ireland from the beginning of the Fenian... more
Synge, J. M. (John Millington), 1871-1909
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Synge
122 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, and correspondence.
Kennerley, Mitchell, 1878-1950
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1634
2.5 linear feet (10 boxes)
Mitchell Kennerley (1878-1950) was an American publisher and art dealer. He worked for various literary magazines and published several others. From 1916 to 1929 and 1937 to 1939 he was president of the Anderson Galleries. He started the Lexington... more
Foster, Jeanne Robert, 1879-1970
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1051
7 linear feet (15 boxes)
Jeanne R. Foster (1879-1970), creator of the collection, was an American poet, assistant editor of The Review of Reviews and American editor of Transatlantic Review. She met a significant group of writers, poets and artists through John Quinn who... more
Russell, George William, 1867-1935
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Russell, GW
318 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, financial documents, and portraits.
Ivins family
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1535
13.1 linear feet (22 boxes)
Collection consists of correspondence, writings, notes, and legal and financial records of William Ivins, Sr.; correspondence, writings, notes, and diaries of William Ivins, Jr.; correspondence of other family members; family personal miscellany;... more
Yeats, W. B. (William Butler), 1865-1939
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Yeats, WB
ca. 3,125 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, notebooks, and portraits.
Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Gregory
8,178 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, financial and legal documents, notebooks from 1881 to 1929, diaries from 1881 to 1913, journals from [ca. 1916] to 1932, correspondence dating from 1873 to [1965],... more
Foster, Jeanne Robert, 1879-1970
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 6253
.21 linear feet
The letters of Jeanne Foster to Richard Londraville, 1966-1970, were written while Londraville was preparing his Ph.D. dissertation on William Butler Yeats. Foster's letters give clear evidence of her fondness for him and her efforts to assist... more
Stephens, James, 1882-1950
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Stephens
524 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence, notebooks from 1911 to 1917, financial documents, portraits, and pictorial works.
Yeats, John Butler, 1839-1922
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Yeats, JoB
122 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of a manuscript, correspondence, portraits and portrait sketches, and pictorial works.
Landor, Walter Savage, 1775-1864
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Landor
241 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and correspondence.
Walsh, Townsend
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3213
The Townsend Walsh Papers (1763-1935, bulk 1890-1935) consist of the professional and personal papers of theatrical press agent Townsend Walsh (1872-1935). The collection includes important material relating to both the theatre and circus in the... more
Digges, Dudley, 1879-1947
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 809
.3 linear feet (1 box)
Dudley Digges (1879-1947), an Irish-American actor, was one of the original members of the Abbey Players. He appeared on the stage and in more than fifty films. Collection consists of correspondence with prominent theatre people concerning... more
Hyde, Douglas, 1860-1949
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Hyde
293 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, a notebook, and correspondence.
Colum, Padraic, 1880-1972
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Colum
1,083 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence, notebooks for 1933 to 1957, a diary for 1910, and financial and legal documents.
Symons, Arthur, 1865-1945
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Symons, A
159 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, and correspondence.
Yeats, Jack B. (Jack Butler), 1871-1957
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll 24888
.1 linear feet (1 folder)
Jack Butler Yeats (1871-1957) was an Irish painter and illustrator. He was the younger brother of the poet William Butler Yeats. John Quinn (1870-1924) was a corporation lawyer in New York City, and a noted private collector and patron of the... more
Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Conrad [Text]
4,563 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts by and about the author, correspondence, financial and legal documents, portraits, and pictorial works.
Quinn, John, 1870-1924
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2513
38.7 linear feet (74 boxes, 45 volumes, 1 other item, 50 microfilm reels)
Collection consists mainly of correspondence, with writings, printed matter and photographs that document Quinn's artistic and political interests. Correspondence, 1901-1924, is with artists, art dealers, critics, poets, playwrights, booksellers,... more
Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Eliot, TS
678 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, an undated notebook, legal documents, and portraits of the author.
Anderson, Julia Quinn
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS 186163
.1 linear feet (1 folder)
John Quinn (1870-1924) was a corporation lawyer in New York City who amassed an important private collection of paintings, drawings and sculpture as well as books and manuscripts of contemporary authors. The collection consists of seven condolence... more
Yeats, John Butler, 1839-1922
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS 186162
1 item (2 pages on 1 leaf) : illustration (drawing) ; 28 x 21 cm
John Butler Yeats (1839-1922) was an Irish portrait painter and the father of the poet William Butler Yeats and the painter Jack Butler Yeats. John Quinn (1870-1924) was a corporation lawyer in New York City, and a noted private collector and... more
Roché, Henri Pierre, 1879-1959
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 4603
.1 linear feet (1 folder)
Letters from French avant-garde artist Henri-Pierre Roché to American poet and art aficionado Jeanne Robert Foster from 1924 to 1925 and 1958 to 1959 .The letters focus on their mutual friendship with John Quinn during the period of his declining... more
Indicates that portions of this collection have been
digitized and are available online.