Delaney, Sadie P., 1889-1958
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 120
Incoming letters from W.E.B. Du Bois, Leigh Whipper, Mary McLeod Bethune, Langston Hughes, Ralph J. Bunche, James Weldon Johnson, Fannie Hurst, Booker T. Washington, Franz Boas, Benjamin Brawley, Countee Cullen, and others. Other letters from...
Incoming letters from W.E.B. Du Bois, Leigh Whipper, Mary McLeod Bethune, Langston Hughes, Ralph J. Bunche, James Weldon Johnson, Fannie Hurst, Booker T. Washington, Franz Boas, Benjamin Brawley, Countee Cullen, and others. Other letters from librarians and other professionals at black institutions; letters of congratulations on achievements, 1948-1950; and additional letters of a personal and professional content. Papers include programs, articles, text of a speech given at a commencement banquet, and minutes of the Bi-Racial Committee in which the motion to establish a separate Alabama Negro Library Association was passed, 1952. Several photographic portraits of Delaney are included in the collection.
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 109
0.21 linear feet (1 box)
The W.E.B Du Bois collection consists of a small body of speeches, articles, correspondence, and related material primarily authored by Du Bois. Of special interest is a typescript, with editorial comments, of the first two chapters of Du Bois's...
The W.E.B Du Bois collection consists of a small body of speeches, articles, correspondence, and related material primarily authored by Du Bois. Of special interest is a typescript, with editorial comments, of the first two chapters of Du Bois's autobiography Dusk of Dawn: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept (1940-1942). The collection also includes a typescript of an article entitled "Miscegenation" (1935). There are thirteen speeches and a book review, ranging in subject matter from "The Talented Tenth", a tribute to Dr. Carter F. Woodson, race relations, labor issues, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Mahatma Gandhi. One of the speeches, "What the Negro Wants in 1948", was delivered at a meeting of the NAACP.
Robeson, Paul, 1898-1976
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 170
0.56 linear feet (9 reels)
Correspondence, texts of speeches, articles, columns and statements written by Paul Robeson and his wife, Eslanda Goode Robeson, photographs, news clippings, and press releases documenting Robeson's artistic and political activities....
Correspondence, texts of speeches, articles, columns and statements written by Paul Robeson and his wife, Eslanda Goode Robeson, photographs, news clippings, and press releases documenting Robeson's artistic and political activities. Correspondence pertains to Robeson's artistic career, and includes letters written by Eslanda Robeson regarding her husband's difficulties as a result of his association with the Soviet Union. Additional correspondence, reports, news clippings, contracts, and printed matter were generated by Robeson's national tours from 1952 to 1956. Included are materials about the concert and riot which took place in Peekskill, N.Y. during one of Robeson's performances, 1949; correspondence and legal papers referring to Robeson's difficulties in his effort to have his United Stattes passport restored; and letters by William Patterson and W.E.B. Du Bois. Also included are files on various organizations associated with Robeson in the 1950s, including the Council on African Affairs, the National Negro Labor Council, and the World Peace Council.
Shivery family
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 257
3.46 linear feet (7 boxes)
The Shiverys, Smiths and Blazes were three branches of a southern African-American family. The Shivery Family papers document the life, history and relationships of the three families in the South, from the Reconstruction to the present.
Hansberry, Lorraine, 1930-1965
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 680
52.0 linear feet (109 boxes)
The Lorraine Hansberry Papers document Lorraine Hansberry's life as an award-winning playwright and activist, and chronicles her activities during the Civil Rights Movement. Virtually all of Hansberry's writings, autobiographical materials,...
The Lorraine Hansberry Papers document Lorraine Hansberry's life as an award-winning playwright and activist, and chronicles her activities during the Civil Rights Movement. Virtually all of Hansberry's writings, autobiographical materials, journals, diaries, personal and professional correspondence are included here, as well as related materials generated by her late husband, Robert Nemiroff, and his third wife, Jewell Gresham-Nemiroff, as the executors of Hansberry's state. Significant correspondents include Daisy Bates, Louis Burnham, Julian Mayfield, Robert Nemiroff, and William Worthy.
Mayfield, Julian, 1928-1984
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 339
18.37 linear feet (42 boxes)
The collection documents Julian Mayfield's career as a writer, educator and actor, and his activities as a political expatriate in West Africa and Guyana. Significant correspondents include fellow African-American expatriates and friends Maya...
The collection documents Julian Mayfield's career as a writer, educator and actor, and his activities as a political expatriate in West Africa and Guyana. Significant correspondents include fellow African-American expatriates and friends Maya Angelou, Herman Kofi Bailey, Sylvia Boone, William Branch, Tom Feelings, David DuBois, Preston King, Jim Lacy, Calvin and Elinor Sinnette, and Alice Windom. Other correspondents are John Henrik Clarke, Jules Dassin, Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, James Forman, Richard Gibson, Gloria Joseph, Woodie King, Paul Mann, William Marshall, Truman Nelson, and Conor Cruise O'Brien.
Reddy, E. S.
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 358
0.42 linear feet (1 box)
E.S. Reddy was Director of the United Nations Centre against Apartheid, from 1976 to 1983. Conference papers and publications of the United Nations Centre Against Apartheid. The collection documents several conferences, birthday celebrations,...
E.S. Reddy was Director of the United Nations Centre against Apartheid, from 1976 to 1983. Conference papers and publications of the United Nations Centre Against Apartheid. The collection documents several conferences, birthday celebrations, memorial tributes, and other commemorative events organized by the United Nations Special Committee Aginst Apartheid in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., Paul Robeson, Frantz Fanon, and W.E.B. DuBois. Also included are statements and addresses by Chief Albert Luthuli of the Afrcan National Congress, and several articles by E.S. Reddy.
Andrews, Regina
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 275
8.58 linear feet (21 boxes)
The papers document Andrews' personal life and professional career and activities. Correspondence, reports, printed material, and writings are included. The papers include manuscripts of Andrews' plays
Climbing Jacob's...
The papers document Andrews' personal life and professional career and activities. Correspondence, reports, printed material, and writings are included. The papers include manuscripts of Andrews' plays
Climbing Jacob's Ladder,
The Man Who Passed, and
Matilda; the posthumously published
The Black New Yorkers and an unpublished manuscript "Women ...With Banners and Human Rights: Laws, Statutes and Amendments in the Constitution of the United States." Andrews' professional activities at the Washington Heights Branch of the New York Public Library are, in part, very well documented by a series of scrapbooks containing photographs, broadsides and other printed material of the "Family Night at the Library" programs. Also included among the papers are some family correspondence, clippings, and a scrapbook relating to Andrews' husband, attorney and assemblyman William T. Andrews.
Spingarn, Joel Elias, 1875-1939
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 174
0.42 linear feet (1 box)
This collection consists largely of correspondence; included are letters from Joel E. Spingarn to Amy Spingarn written during the 1914-1915 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) speaking tour; letters to Amy Spingarn...
This collection consists largely of correspondence; included are letters from Joel E. Spingarn to Amy Spingarn written during the 1914-1915 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) speaking tour; letters to Amy Spingarn regarding researcher access to the Joel E. Spingarn collections at the Moorland Collection at Howard University and the James Weldon Johnson Collection at Yale University; and letters to W.E.B. Du Bois. Additional material includes information regarding the opening of Joel E. Spingarn High School in Washington, D.C.; a 1898 speech; NAACP printed material; articles by and about Arthur Spingarn, Joel's brother; a typescript by Jacques Roumain on Vodun (voodoo); and other printed material.
Casimir, J. R. Ralph
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 110
0.63 linear feet (2 boxes)
J. R. Casimir was a poet, editor, and founding member and secretary of the Roseau, Dominica Division of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). The papers consist of correspondence, legal documents, and printed matter relating to...
J. R. Casimir was a poet, editor, and founding member and secretary of the Roseau, Dominica Division of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). The papers consist of correspondence, legal documents, and printed matter relating to Casimir's writing, and they deal with social and political issues affecting the island of Dominica.
Smythe, Hugh H. (Hugh Heyne), 1913-1977
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-966
Papers covering Smythe's professional career centering upon research, writing, and university teaching in the fields of sociology and anthropology, with special emphasis on East Asian and African studies. Correspondence including that written...
Papers covering Smythe's professional career centering upon research, writing, and university teaching in the fields of sociology and anthropology, with special emphasis on East Asian and African studies. Correspondence including that written about his fieldwork in Nigeria. Smythe's manuscripts for articles, books, book reviews, and speeches pertaining to Africa, Nigeria, Japan, and race relations in the United States. Preliminary data relates to Hugh and Mabel Smythe's book, THE NEW NIGERIAN ELITE (1960). Material relating to Smythe's professional interests and activities includes syllabi, bibliographies, and lecture notes pertaining to his teaching at Yamaguchi National University (Yamaguchi Daigaku) in Japan and Brooklyn College. Also included is material illustrating Smythe's extra-academic interests including United Nations affairs, Crossroads Africa, and civil rights activities. The papers of Mabel Smythe (Hugh Symthe's wife) include a scrapbook, manuscripts, and some correspondence. Of particular interest is her research material on segregation in education, which was used by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People legal staff in the 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education barring segregation in public schools. Also, manuscripts of articles and speeches, and some correspondence by W.E.B. Du Bois including "Economic Illiteracy," 1947, and "Race Relations in the U.S.," 1948.
Metcalf, George R., 1914-2002
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 150
2.0 linear feet (2 boxes)
George Rich Metcalf (born Feb. 5, 1914 in Auburn) was a white American N.Y. State Senator; president of the National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing; an activist; businessman; journalist; author; and philanthropist. In 1948, he became...
George Rich Metcalf (born Feb. 5, 1914 in Auburn) was a white American N.Y. State Senator; president of the National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing; an activist; businessman; journalist; author; and philanthropist. In 1948, he became chairman of the Auburn Housing Authority before being elected to the New York State Senate in 1950. He authored many bills regarding fair housing, civil rights, and public health. In 1965, he left the Senate to write about racial injustice. He authored four books, including two books on Black history. During the 1970s, he taught Black history at Auburn Community College. He died on May 30, 2002. The George R. Metcalf research files are comprised of research material for Metcalf's two books,
Black Profiles (13 biographies of prominent African Americans living and deceased), and
Up from Within: Today's Black Leaders (a biographical sequence of emerging Black personalities and their contributions to the "Black revolution" in America). Material consists of clippings, correspondence, typescripts, transcribed interviews, notes, and miscellaneous printed material. The material covers notable figures including Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Roy Wilkins, Shirley Chisolm, W.E.B. Du Bois, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Medgar Evers, Jackie Robinson, Eldridge Cleaver, Whitney Young, Jr., Harriet Tubman, Edward Brooke, Julian Bond, James H. Meredith, and Andrew Brimmer, among others.
Lewis, David L., 1936-
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 335
.06 linear feet (1/2 archival box)
The David Levering Lewis "Voices from the Renaissance" Collection consists of forty-three summary transcripts of interviews Lewis conducted with individuals who were either active during the Harlem Renaissance period or who knew people who were...
The David Levering Lewis "Voices from the Renaissance" Collection consists of forty-three summary transcripts of interviews Lewis conducted with individuals who were either active during the Harlem Renaissance period or who knew people who were Harlem Renaissance figures. The interviews were done for Lewis's book,
When Harlem Was in Vogue (1981).
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 43
38.51 linear feet (97 boxes, 6 volumes, 1 oversize folder)
This collection consists of typescripts of novels, biographies, essays, and poems on historical, sociological, and educational issues, and conference papers. Some of the typescripts appear as final drafts, others as working drafts with author's...
This collection consists of typescripts of novels, biographies, essays, and poems on historical, sociological, and educational issues, and conference papers. Some of the typescripts appear as final drafts, others as working drafts with author's annotations and corrections. Manuscripts included are "A Talk to Teachers: The Negro Child, His Self Image" by James Baldwin; "Slavery and Capitalism" by Eric Williams; "Life in a Haitian Valley" by Melville J. Herskovits; "American Dilemma" by Gunnar Myrdal; and poems by Waring Cuney, among others. Other authors represented are Arna Bontemps, Horace Mann Bond, Lloyd Brown, Helen Buckler, Henrietta Buckmaster, John H. Clark, Benjamin Davis, Ralph Ellison, Arthur Huff Fauset, and E. Franklin Frazier. Conference material includes Melville J. Herskovits and the Future of Africana Studies (Schomburg Center, May 1988); Marcus Garvey Centennial Conference (Jamaica, November 1987); and the Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture (Nigeria, 1977).
Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878-1962
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 84
2 linear feet (5 archival boxes)
Broderick, Francis L
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 197
2.21 linear feet (3 boxes)
This collection consists of notes taken by Francis L. Broderick, who was preparing to write a biography of Du Bois. The notes came from W. E. B. Du Bois's letters and other documents in his personal library.
Pickens, William, 1881-1954
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-4463
Collection primarily relates to Pickens' work as NAACP Field Secretary and Director of Branches, and contains a great deal of correspondence with NAACP officials. Of interest is material chronicling Pickens' and the NAACP's involvement in the...
Collection primarily relates to Pickens' work as NAACP Field Secretary and Director of Branches, and contains a great deal of correspondence with NAACP officials. Of interest is material chronicling Pickens' and the NAACP's involvement in the Scottsboro Case in Alabama. Correspondents relating to the NAACP include James Weldon Johnson, Walter Francis White, Mary White Ovington, Arthur B. Spingarn, Joel E. Spingarn, Roy Wilkins, Thurgood Marshall, and W. E. B. Du Bois. Other correspondence is between Pickens and friends, acquaintances, fellow scholars, and business associates. There is correspondence with many organizations with which Pickens was involved, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, League for Industrial Democracy, Socialist Party of America, National Council of the Young Men's and Women's Christian Association, American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born, and the Council for Pan American Democracy. Correspondents include Claude A. Barnett and Percival L. Prattis of the Associated Negro Press, and other individuals in government, education, and church affairs, among them John Haynes Holmes of the Community Church of New York. Writings are primarily composed of typescripts (manuscripts and editorials), speeches, and mimeographed Associated Negro Press columns and newspaper clippings of articles and editorials written by Pickens. Subjects dealt with in these different formats cover a wide range and serve to reveal Pickens' broad interests and intellectual scope.
Richardson, Willis, 1889-1977
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1974-002
1.5 linear feet (2 boxes)
The Willis Richardson papers document through correspondence, ephemera and scrapbooks his career as a playwright. Coverage is sketchy and there are major gaps in the collection.
Childress, Alice
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 649
The Alice Childress papers document Alice Childress's career as a writer and actress, and her activities in the theatre for five decades in New York City. The Personal Papers series includes correspondence, an oral history conducted by Ann...
The Alice Childress papers document Alice Childress's career as a writer and actress, and her activities in the theatre for five decades in New York City. The Personal Papers series includes correspondence, an oral history conducted by Ann Shockley, Childress's FBI file, diaries, calendars, interviews, educational materials, family letters, files for her two husbands, and biographical information about Childress. Significant correspondents include writers Kay Bourne, Harold (Hal) Courlander and Susan Koppleman.
New York World's Fair (1939-1940 : New York, N.Y.)
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 42
.4 linear feet
"Negro Week" was a program on the contributions of blacks to American culture held at the New York World's Fair in July 1940, and consisted of festivals, exhibitions, song and dance recitals, choral and symphonic music, concerts, religious...
"Negro Week" was a program on the contributions of blacks to American culture held at the New York World's Fair in July 1940, and consisted of festivals, exhibitions, song and dance recitals, choral and symphonic music, concerts, religious services, guest speakers, and a children's program. Correspondence, press releases, speeches, exhibition material, pass and address lists, and financial records, relating to the planning and presentation of "Negro Week" at the New York World's Fair, 1940. Correspondents include Geraldyn Dismond (later Geraldyn Hodges Major) and T. Arnold Hill, both officials of the program. Also speeches by W.E.B. DuBois and L. D. Reddick relating to various aspects of black contributions to American culture.
Phelps-Stokes Fund
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 162
52 linear feet, 127 boxes
The Phelps-Stokes Fund Records contain administrative records including trustee and committee minutes, correspondence, memoranda, financial records, legal documents, speeches, reports, occasional papers, and printed material, such as pamphlets,...
The Phelps-Stokes Fund Records contain administrative records including trustee and committee minutes, correspondence, memoranda, financial records, legal documents, speeches, reports, occasional papers, and printed material, such as pamphlets, brochures, clippings, articles, press releases and programs. Records concern the early work of the Fund in researching and supporting education for Africans and African Americans and improvement in housing conditions, through study commissions, reports, and project grants, as well as its engagement in contemporary debates concerning the philosophy and policies of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois. To a lesser extent, the Fund provided early support for surveys of American Indian schools and administration, such as the 1928 Lewis Meriam study and the 1939 Navajo Indian study. Later endeavors included administering grants for conferences on race relations, exchange and training programs, cooperative programs with other foundations, government aid programs, and a number of cultural projects.
Scarborough, W. S. (William Sanders), 1852-1926
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 474
0.25 linear feet (1 box)
William Sanders Scarborough (1852-1926) was a renowned philologist and the President of Wilberforce University from 1908 to 1920. Scarborough was appointed professor of Latin and Greek at Wilberforce in 1876. In 1892, he was dismissed due to the...
William Sanders Scarborough (1852-1926) was a renowned philologist and the President of Wilberforce University from 1908 to 1920. Scarborough was appointed professor of Latin and Greek at Wilberforce in 1876. In 1892, he was dismissed due to the prevailing sentiment that the classics had become irrelevant. Reappointed and promoted to vice-president in 1897, Scarborough served the university until he was forced to retire in 1920. The William Sanders Scarborough letter collection consists of eight letters: from Frederick Douglass (1894); W. E. B. Du Bois (1921); and Booker T. Washington (1902-1909). The letter from Douglass extends his apologies for being unable to attend commencement at Wilberforce. The two letters from Du Bois relate to the second Pan-African Congress to be held in 1921 and discusses when and where the conference was to be held. The five letters from Washington are general in nature, although one seems to deal with a disagreement that they had.
United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 732
0.42 linear feet (1 box)
Founded in 1937 by Max Yergan and Paul Robeson, the Council on African Affairs (CAA) was an independent, non-profit organization "dedicated to serving the interests of the peoples of Africa" and had a self-described unique "full-time and...
Founded in 1937 by Max Yergan and Paul Robeson, the Council on African Affairs (CAA) was an independent, non-profit organization "dedicated to serving the interests of the peoples of Africa" and had a self-described unique "full-time and year-round job of providing Americans with the truth about Africa". This was achieved through the monthly "Spotlight on Africa" newsletter and other publications. The Council's other major function was to act as the channel of concrete assistance from Americans to Africans, sending money to aid the South African people's struggle against Malan's apartheid government. The Council on African Affairs/Freedom of Information Act (CAA/FOIA) collection consists of photocopies of the FBI file on the CAA obtained through a FOIA request. The FBI surveilled activities of CAA branches across the United States but the collection most frequently mentions the Los Angeles and Philadelphia branches, monitoring the growth, or lack thereof, of those branches.
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 935
0.25 linear feet (1 box, however the entire contents fill about one folder)
This collection consists of one folder of signatures from the following notable individuals: P. A. White; H. W. Becker; Millard Fillmore; F. Brignoby; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Langston Hughes; W. E. DuBois; I. I. Howard; Walter White; Horace Mann...
This collection consists of one folder of signatures from the following notable individuals: P. A. White; H. W. Becker; Millard Fillmore; F. Brignoby; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Langston Hughes; W. E. DuBois; I. I. Howard; Walter White; Horace Mann Bond; A. A. Phelps; Frederick Douglass; Lewis Tappany; Pennington; Richings; Henry Highland Garnet; Larry Howard; James Weldon Johnson; Claude McKay; Ellis Gray Loving; Charles B. Peay; William Garrison; J. L. Garfield; T. M. Morrison; and Susan Walker. In addition, there is an autograph book with the following signatures: Sarah Freiborn; Martha Cotton; A. E. Steward; George G. Simpson; Sarah Whasfield; Lillie Ried; Maggie Sister; Maggie M. Ewing; Mary Davis; Johnnie Spoofindyke; Chas A. McBride; W. H. Ryder; Helen Stewart Brown; Mary Corbkis; Kathy Mullan; Winnie Duffy; Webster; and Dorothy Elizabeth Ball.
Sterling, Philip, 1907-1989
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1991-026
0.84 linear feet (3 boxes)
The Philip Sterling Research Materials on Bert Williams primarily contain clippings, correspondence, notes, and other research materials compiled by Philip Sterling, a writer and public relations executive for CBS, mainly between the years,...
The Philip Sterling Research Materials on Bert Williams primarily contain clippings, correspondence, notes, and other research materials compiled by Philip Sterling, a writer and public relations executive for CBS, mainly between the years, 1959-1962. Sterling began conducting research on Williams during the late 1950s in the hope of writing a biography, which, apparently never was completed. He performed extensive research at a number of libraries and interviewed some of Williams's surviving relatives, as well as other individuals with firsthand memories of Williams, including Andy Razaf and Carl Van Vechten.
Lewis, David L., 1936-
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division | Sc MIRS Levering 1987-15
51 audio_recordings
The Voices from the Renaissance audio collection consists of fifty-one sound recordings, primarily of interviews that David Levering Lewis conducted with and about Harlem Renaissance figures for his 1981 book,
When Harlem Was...
The Voices from the Renaissance audio collection consists of fifty-one sound recordings, primarily of interviews that David Levering Lewis conducted with and about Harlem Renaissance figures for his 1981 book,
When Harlem Was in Vogue.
Schomburg, Arthur Alfonso, 1874-1938
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-2798
.75 linear feet (17 boxes, 12 microfilm reels)
Papers reflecting Schomburg's endeavors as a writer and researcher, and collector and curator of books and manuscripts documenting black history and culture. Personal and professional papers, including correspondence and writings, and writings of...
Papers reflecting Schomburg's endeavors as a writer and researcher, and collector and curator of books and manuscripts documenting black history and culture. Personal and professional papers, including correspondence and writings, and writings of others. Includes material relating to Schomburg's position as curator of the Schomburg Collection at the 135th St. branch of the New York Public Library, and to black literature, art, and history. Correspondents include John E. Bruce, Henrietta Buckmaster, W.E.B. Du Bois, Nicolás Guillén, W.C. Handy, Langston Hughes, Charles S. Johnson, James W. Johnson, Claude McKay, J.A. Rogers, Albert A. Smith, Sténio Vincent (President of Haiti), Walter White, and Carter G. Woodson. Other papers include programs, news clippings, invitations, announcements, and minutes of a variety of organizations, such as the New York Urban League, New York Public Library, Young Men's Christian Association, and several black cultural and educational groups. Also, transcriptions of eighteenth and nineteenth century historical documents pertaining to black history and culture.
Schomburg, Arthur Alfonso, 1874-1938
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 952
0.83 linear feet (3 boxes)
Arthur (originally Arturo) Alfonso Schomburg was a collector of books and manuscripts pertaining to black history and culture, whose collection formed the basis for the Schomburg Center for Black Culture. This collection consists primarily of...
Arthur (originally Arturo) Alfonso Schomburg was a collector of books and manuscripts pertaining to black history and culture, whose collection formed the basis for the Schomburg Center for Black Culture. This collection consists primarily of correspondence to Arthur Schomburg; press clippings, mostly in scrapbooks, of articles by and about Schomburg; ephemera; and memorials of Schomburg written after his death.