Scope and arrangement
The World's Fair "Negro Week" records (April-October, 1940) document the overall planning of the week as well as the preparation for the specific activities which took place. The collection consists of correspondence, press releases, speeches, programs, pass and address lists, financial records and material related to the slide exhibition and the Hall of Fame. With the exception of the speeches, which are in alphabetical order, each file is arranged in a chronological sequence.
Press Releases announce the week's events, exhibitions and guest speakers, with specific releases for each night's outstanding performance. Speeches by Elmer Carter, W. E. B. DuBois and Lawrence D. Reddick relate to various aspects of black contributions to American culture. A slide exhibition featuring rare books and famous people was shown. The National Committee also compiled a Hall of Fame listing some of the outstanding black men and women in American life and history. Materials concerning the slide exhibition and Hall of Fame consist of an instruction sheet for the slide exhibition and a list of individuals with biographical sketches for the Hall of Fame. Other records documenting the planning for the various activities and events include the program, pass and address lists and routine business arrangements in the form of financial records.