Found 9 collections related to United States. Works Progress Administration

Pauker, Edmond, ca. 1880-1962
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2354
42 linear feet (44 boxes)
Edmond Pauker (ca. 1880-1962) was a Hungarian-born literary agent and play broker in New York who represented European, especially Hungarian, playwrights, as well as some American authors. Collection consists of Pauker's personal and business... more
Seldon, Benjamin F.
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 173
0.21 linear feet (1 box)
Benjamin F. Seldon was State Supervisor of Negro Adult Education for the New Jersey Works Progress Administration from 1938 to 1941. He served in World War I, then completed his education in Europe where he studied the economic, social, and... more
Composers' Forum (U.S.)
Music Division | JPB 12-01
11 linear feet (27 boxes)
The records of the Composers' Forum document the history of the organization from 1935 to 2002. They hold correspondence, concert programs, press releases, clippings, grant applications and other development files, board meeting minutes and... more
United States. Works Progress Administration
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3108
.3 linear feet (1 box)
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) of the U.S. government was the major relief agency of Franklin D. Roosevelt's "New Deal". Supplanting the Civil Works Administration (an emergency temporary work relief program, 1933-1934), the WPA employed... more
Hodson, William, 1891-1943
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1410
13 linear feet (13 boxes)
William Hodson (1891-1943) was a social welfare administrator in Minnesota and New York City. In Minnesota he was instrumental in establishing the laws that became Minnesota's children's code. He moved to New York City in 1922 and joined the... more
Works Progress Administration. Federal Theatre Project
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2000-005
30 linear feet (73 boxes)
Radio scripts from WPA's Federal Theatre of the Air.
District of Columbia Historical Records Survey
Billy Rose Theatre Division | MWEZ 2147
1 volume (49 leaves), 28 cm; 1 volume (49 leaves), 28 cm
Typescript list compiled by James D. Barton contains an introduction followed by lists giving opera title, production date, theater and stars. Within each title the arrangement is chronological.
Luening, Otto, 1900-1996
Music Division | JPB 94-07
72.68 linear feet (203 boxes)
The Otto Luening papers contain the composer's scores, correspondence, writings, subject files, and other professional papers; and family papers of his siblings, parents, extended family, and ancestors, including the scores of his father, Eugene... more
Municipal Committee for the Relief of Homeowners (New York, N.Y.)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2081
6 linear feet (6 boxes)
The Municipal Committee for the Relief of Homeowners was a voluntary group originally appointed in 1934 by the New York City Board of Aldermen and later assisted by the U.S. Works Progress Administration. Its purpose was to provide advice to... more