Found 5 collections related to New York Shakespeare Festival Productions

Hughes, Barnard, 1915-2006
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2012-008
11.30 linear feet (28 boxes, 1 oversize folder)
Barnard Hughes (1915-2006) and Helen Stenborg (1925-2011) were prolific stage and screen actors. Hughes was best known for his award-winning turn as the titular character in Da, and Stenborg performed extensively with... more
Ardolino, Emile
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 563
24.51 linear feet (59 boxes, 1 tube, 1 oversize folder)
Emile Ardolino (1943-1993) was a prolific director, producer, editor, and multimedia designer for television, film, and theater productions. He was best known for directing the Academy Award-winning documentary He Makes Me Feel... more
New York Shakespeare Festival Productions
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1993-028
170.97 linear feet (416 boxes, 4 other items)
Since its inception in 1954, the New York Shakespeare Festival/the Public Theater has been a highly acclaimed theater company, dedicated to achieving artistic excellence while developing an American theater that is accessible and relevant to all... more
Joseph, George E.
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2011-302
36.68 linear feet (88 boxes, 2 oversize folders)
George E. Joseph (1922-2013) was the staff photographer for the New York Shakespeare Festival/the Public Theater from 1956 to 1993, photographing many productions at the Delacorte Theater, Public Theater, and other locations around New York City.... more
Friedman-Abeles (Firm)
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1992-013
195.00 linear feet (468 boxes)
The Friedman-Abeles photographs contain photographic work from the partnership of Leo Friedman, Joseph Abeles, and Sy Friedman, together the pre-eminent photography studio documenting Broadway theatrical productions. The collection consists... more
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digitized and are available online.