Found 6 collections related to Inventions
Van Der Weyde, Peter Henri, 1813-1895
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3132
2 linear feet (6 boxes)
Peter Henri Van Der Weyde (1813-1895) was a Dutch-American industrial scientist and inventor. Collection consists of correspondence, writings, materials related to inventions, and miscellaneous family papers. Correspondence includes letters Van...
Snider, Jacob, 1811-1866
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2801
1 linear foot (3 boxes)
Jacob Snider (1811-1866), of Philadelphia, Pa., was an inventor of artillery, notably the Snider rifle which was used by the British Army. His son John Vaughan Snider was also an inventor. They were both involved in a lawsuit against the British...
Maxim, Hudson, 1853-1927
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1918
38 linear feet (81 boxes)
Hudson Maxim (1853-1927) was an American inventor, mechanical engineer and explosives expert. He worked as a consultant for the Du Pont Company from 1897 to 1927 and wrote books on explosives and literary and political matters. Collection consists...
Ferguson, James, 1710-1776
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 988
.3 linear feet (1 v.)
James Ferguson (1710-1776) was a Scottish philosopher, astronomer and engineer. Collection consists of scrapbook containing letters, ca. 1769-1775, by Ferguson, relating to his work and other scientific matters; drawings, pencil sketches, charts,...
Weitling, Wilhelm, 1808-1871
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3271
1 linear foot (3 boxes)
Wilhelm Weitling (1808-1871) was a German-born tailor, inventor and editor. In Germany he worked as a journeyman tailor and was a prominent socialist agitator. After emigrating to the U.S. in 1848, he organized an Arbeiterbund or "Workingmen's...