Scope and arrangement
The papers 1840-1872, consists of letters, documents, maps, drawing photographs and p. limited material. The papers are divided between Jacob Snider and his son John Vaughan Snider. Jacob Snider papers include letters to tracts of land in Montgomery, Georgia.
1840-42: letters from George Cadwalader to George & Isaac Hartman, relative to the title land in the Warren Tract"; accompanied by a map of Benton township, Columbia county, Pa. Oct. 11, 1863: memo of Agreement made between R & W Astor of Birmingham, England, Jacob Snider & John Murray re: the delivery of breech loading carbines. 1863: Specification, etc. of John Snider jr. for "Improvements in breech loading ordance & projectiles (copy). 1866, Oct. 25. Death Certificate for John Snider; letter of administration granted to his wife Angelina.
John Vaughan Snider papers include 1867, power of attorney granted to John Vaughan Snider by his brothers. 1868, Sept. 28. Deed of compromise between Richard Brown Roden of the 1st part, John V. Snider (et al) re the patents for the construction of breech loading fire-arms. 1870: papers re his patent on a combined holder and drip catcher. Printed material and photographs of rifles complete the papers.