Scope and arrangement
This collection documents Mary Bryant’s career as a theatrical press representative from the late 1950s to the 1990s with publicity materials, photographs, correspondence, financial records, and programs collected or created by Bryant while representing productions, companies and individuals. The files from productions and companies represented by Bryant consist of photographs and promotional materials like press releases and clippings from that production or company.
Publicity materials contain press releases, clippings, memos, press lists, and contracts. Clippings contain complete sets of out-of-town and Broadway reviews and feature articles, master review sets, and reviews pulled for quotations that could be used in advertisements.
Photographs included in this collection are posed publicity shots, live production shots, and rehearsal shots. There are actor headshots, resumes and biographies (for use in programs). Photographs are often accompanied by the caption text which would be submitted to the media.
Correspondence generally consists of requests for press tickets, arrangements for interviews, memos between Bryant and members of the creative team, negotiations with photographers and advertising companies, and memos planning advertising campaigns. Financial records in this collection include advertising budgets and weekly grosses from shows Bryant represented.
There is a small amount of material pertaining to the theatre industry in general and to shows Bryant did not work on, including annotated programs, photographs, clippings, and advertisements.
This collection is arranged in alphabetical order, by show, company, or personal name.