Scope and arrangement
The Gertrude Lawrence Collection contains photocopies of personal and business correspondence, as well as other material related to her career. Of note is a diary of her 1946 Pygmalion tour and her recollections of George Bernard Shaw. The collection also contains copies of her birth certificate, divorce decree, eulogy and funeral program.
The Gertrude Lawrence collection is arranged in two series:
1898-19526 folders
This series consists of photocopies of Gertrude Lawrence's birth certificate and divorce decree, her recollections of George Bernard Shaw, a copy of a diary she wrote on the tour of Pygmalion, and her funeral program and eulogy.
1924-19414 folders
This series contains copies of letters Gertrude Lawrence wrote to Helen Converse Downes and to her daughter Pam. There is also some correspondence written to Gertrude Lawrence. Of special interest is a note written to her mother, after her mother's death signed "Gertie."