Scope and arrangement
This collection consists mainly of reports and studies accumulated or researched under the auspices of the Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc. (MARC), a non-profit research corporation concerned with the problems of American urban society. Of note is the Franklin K. Lane High School confidential study, which charged institutionalized racism on the part of the police and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) against Black and Puerto Rican students in an attempt to reduce minority enrollment at the Brooklyn, New York high school. This collection also contains drafts of Roy Wilkins's and Ramsey Clark's book, Commission of Inquiry into the Black Panthers and the Police, Search and Destroy: A Report, 1973 (published by MARC) concerning the police raid of the Black Panther headquarters in Chicago on December 4, 1969, which resulted in the deaths of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. The reports of the Grand Jury, which conducted the investigation, as well as the Commission's findings are included. Also included are photocopies of photographs depicting the scene of the raid. Additionally, there are reports from the Metropolitan Applied Research Center and minutes of the New York State Urban Develoment Corporation.
The majority of the collection includes handwritten and typed drafts for reports for the Two Cities' Project, a 1969 study which documented the growth and development of the Black communities in Newark, New Jersey, and White Plains, New York. Aspects of housing, health, business, education, politics, transportation, urban renewal, and justice were compared. Indices of clippings, which were used as background material, are included in this collection. There are also clippings on Clark, some of his newspaper writing, and book reviews.
The Metropolitan Applied Research Center (MARC) reports are arranged in five series:
This series includes clippings dating from approximately 1954 to 1979 about Clark, his wife, Mamie Clark, and their family. Most clippings deal with Clark's educational views; his activities as an educator and a member of the N.Y. Board of Regents; and reviews of his books. Reports, a miniscule amount of memos, and correspondence concerning MARC and some reports collected by Clark also are included.
This series contains several drafts of the report, which became the basis for the book Search and Destroy, published in 1973 by the Methropolitan Applied Research Center and the N.A.A.C.P. Additionally, this series includes autopsy records of Fred Hampton, Jr. and Mark Clark and complete medical records of the four survivors. Additionally, there are excerpts from Rev. Jesse Jackson's eulogy and Rev. Ralph Abernathy's speech, and several photostats of original police photographs.
This series consists of handwritten and typed drafts of reports for the "Two Cities' Project", a 1969 unpublished in-depth study of the Black communities in Newark, New Jersey, and White Plains, New York. Aspects of housing, health, business, education, politics, transportation, urban renewal and justice are compared. Index cards contain incomplete indices for related clippings.