Scope and arrangement
The Franklin F. Hopper Records consist mostly of correspondence and are arranged in three topical series: I. General Correspondence, 1940-1945; II. Subject Correspondence, 1940-1946; III. World War II Correspondence, 1940-43. Series I. General Correspondence contains letters, typed and handwritten, between Hopper and Library administrators including Paul North Rice, Francis R. St. John and various Department/Division Chiefs. Topics include gifts to the Library, reference questions and complaints. Some 1940-1941 correspondence of the previous Director, Harry M. Lydenberg is found here as well. The letters are alphabetically arranged by correspondent. With the exception of a single folder of correspondence to Poultney Bigelow, this series contains only files T-Z; files A-S are missing. Series II. Subject Correspondence consists of topically sorted letters, mostly concerning Air Raid precautions and Civil Defense procedures at The Library and throughout New York City during the war years. Series III. World War II Correspondence consists of two scrapbook volumes, as well as letters to and from Library staff and military personnel in the United States and overseas. Most of the correspondence is from current and former Library staff to colleagues still working at NYPL. Although written under military censorship conditions, the letters document military life and the camaraderie that existed among Library staff both in and out of the armed forces. Letters are arranged alphabetically by recipient, and further sorted within each recipient group by writer. Recipients include Salvatore "Doc" Frisina, Head of Shipping Room; Robert W. Henderson, Head of General Reference; Lillie Sarmiento, of Preparation Services; and William R. Thurman, Head of the Bindery.
The Franklin F. Hopper records are arranged in three series:
1940-19454 boxes
General Correspondence contains letters, typed and handwritten, between Hopper and Library administrators including Paul North Rice, Francis R. St. John and various Department/Division Chiefs. Topics include gifts to The Library, reference questions and complaints. Some 1940-1941 correspondence of the previous Director, Harry M. Lydenberg is found here as well. The letters are alphabetically arranged by correspondent. With the exception of a single folder of correspondence to Poultney Bigelow, this series contains only files T-Z; files A-S are missing.
1940-19462 boxes
Subject Correspondence consists of topically sorted letters, mostly concerning Air Raid precautions and Civil Defense procedures at The Library and throughout New York City during the war years.
1942-19431 box, 2 volumes
World War II Correspondence consists of two scrapbook volumes, as well as letters to and from Library staff and military personnel in the United States and overseas. Most of the correspondence is from current and former Library staff to colleagues still working at NYPL. Although written under military censorship conditions, the letters document military life and the camaraderie that existed among Library staff both in and out of the armed forces. Letters are arranged alphabetically by recipient, and further sorted within each recipient group by writer. Recipients include Salvatore "Doc" Frisina, Head of Shipping Room; Robert W. Henderson, Head of General Reference; Lillie Sarmiento, of Preparation Services; and William R. Thurman, Head of the Bindery.