Scope and arrangement
The Dodge Papers contain financial records of his medical practice,1829-1846, a volume of household accounts and remembrances, 1849-1855, and business records of file and spring manufacturing companies with which Dodge was associated. The medical practice records consist of one ledger, 1829-1830, and eight day books, 1829-1846. The bulk of the business records concern the file manufacturing company known as Evans, Davis & Co., Davis, Evans & Dodge, and American File Works. These records include letter books, account books, daybooks, sales books, receipt books, ledgers and other financial records of the office/warehouse in New York City and the factory in Ramapo, New York, 1848-1862. These volumes include such details as the business' total assets, names of customers, price lists, wages paid to factory workers, rents paid by workers for lodgings, and quantities shipped from factory to warehouse. The remainder of the volumes contains the financial records of the U. S. Car Spring Company, 1850-1853. Dodge's correspondence as president of this company can be found in his letter book of 1853-1856 which was used for letters concerning both the American File Works and the U. S. Car Spring Company.
Box at end of collection contains volumes 18, 19, and 31.
The David Stuart Dodge papers are arranged in three series: