Scope and arrangement
The papers are separated into four groups: Constable papers; Pierrepont Papers; William Bell Papers; and, Clarkson Family Papers. The Constable Papers contain personal and business correspondence (including letter-books) 1774-1830, of William Constable and a few letters of his wife, Ann, accounts, including cash books, journals, ledgers, memo-books, and waste-books. There are also field books of land surveys, papers relating to land speculation and development in northern New York (including Macomb's Purchase) New York City, and various frontier states, and papers compiled by his brother, James, and Hezekiah B. Pierrepont, relating to his estate, the land papers, 1762-1772, of his father, John Constable, and the letters and land papers, 1798-1807, of his brother, James, complete this section. The largest group of Pierrepont Papers is composed of the personal and business letters, 1795-1838 of Hezekiah Beers Pierrepont, letters and papers relating to French Spoliattion Claims, some correspondence of his wife, Anna Maria Constable, the accounts of Leffingwell & Pierrepont, papers relating to Hezekiah Pierrepont's speculations in land, field books of land surveys; notes on the trade with China, India, Pulco Pinang, and the Malay settlements; the account books of his father, John Pierpont; and correspondence, accounts, land papers, field and plat books of his sons, William C. Pierrepont and Henry Evelyn Pierrepont This section also includes some letters, accounts, and legal papers of later members of the Pierrepont family. The remainder of the collection consists of the papers of the Clarkson Family, and the papers, 1806-1856, of William Bell who was a friend and business colleague of William Constable and Hezekiah B. pierrepont; and some accounts of Pfister & Macomb, and Wells & Wagenen. The Bell Papers include letters, account books compiled on trading journeys to the Orient, land papers, accounts, letters, and legal papers relating to his estate, poems and other writings, and news clippings.
The Constable-Pierrepont papers are arranged in five series: