Found 11 collections related to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 285
2.96 linear feet (10 boxes)
The Black films collection documents the marketing of African Americans in American motion pictures. It consists of scripts, press sheets, press kits, movie stills, and posters.
Billy Rose Theatre Division | MFLN+ M59 (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corporation: Dialogue Cutting Continuities)
103 volumes
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc., or MGM, is an American media company, involved primarily in the production and distribution of films and television programs. MGM was founded in 1924 when the entertainment entrepreneur Marcus Loew gained control of Metro...
Pauker, Edmond, ca. 1880-1962
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2354
42 linear feet (44 boxes)
Edmond Pauker (ca. 1880-1962) was a Hungarian-born literary agent and play broker in New York who represented European, especially Hungarian, playwrights, as well as some American authors. Collection consists of Pauker's personal and business...
Ryerson, Florence
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2657
.9 linear feet (2 boxes)
Florence Ryerson (1892-1965) was an American playwright and screenwriter. Collection consists of Ryerson's diaries, correspondence, notes, and memoranda. Work diaries kept by Ryerson, chiefly at her homes in Beverly Hills and Canoga Park,...
Comden, Betty
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2010-107
8.64 linear feet (23 boxes)
Betty Comden was an American lyricist, playwright, screenwriter and actress working on stage and screen productions from the late 1930s through the 1990s. This collection is the personal and professional papers of Betty Comden. It consists mainly...
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *ZC-316
162 volumes on 19 reels of microfilm and one oversized box
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, a leading American film production company, was established in 1924, an amalgam of three older production companies: Metro Pictures Corporation, Goldwyn Pictures Corporation and Louis B. Mayer Pictures, and was under the...
Benney, Robert, 1904-2001
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1984-005
The Robert Benney research materials include photographs, clippings, posters, playbills, and ephemera relating to his career as a portraitist of stage and screen personalities. The bulk of the material spans 1926 to 1947, and consists of...
Gish, Lillian, 1893-1993
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1996-011
The Lillian Gish papers (75 lf.) span the years 1909-1992 and consist of correspondence including letters from friends, family, fans and business associates, personal papers, business, legal and financial documents, scripts, writings, photographs...
Barr, Richard
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1978-002
The Richard Barr-Clinton Wilder Papers contain a great deal of documentation on the working aspects of the collaboration between Barr, Wilder and Edward Albee whose various producing units helped to establish a number of important American...
Enters, Angna, 1897-1989
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 101
Personal and business correspondence. The bulk of the papers consist of correspondence with agents, publishers, galleries, theaters, colleges and individuals. Contracts are filed under the respective agencies. The second series includes personal...
Walter, Bruno, 1876-1962
Music Division | *ZB-2677 (series 1-9 only)
The Bruno Walter Papers represent the career of the conductor Bruno Walter. The collection contains correspondence (primarily from after his emigration to the United States in 1941) as well as photographs, some books and music, and memorabilia.