Found 5 collections related to notes
Najan, Nala, 1932-2002
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 288
6.38 linear feet (16 boxes)
Nala Najan (1932-2002) was an American-born dancer, choreographer and writer who specialized in the traditional dances of India. The Nala Najan papers hold correspondence, contracts, diaries, programs, photographs, writings, and other files...
Green, Ray, 1908-1997
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 299
34.79 linear feet (90 boxes)
May O'Donnell was an American modern dancer and choreographer. Her husband, Ray Green was an American composer who created works for dance companies as well as orchestral, choral, and children's pieces. The May O'Donnell and Ray Green papers...
Wolz, Carl
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 285
12.09 linear feet (30 boxes)
Carl Wolz (1932-2002) was an influential choreographer, scholar, educator, and dance advocate. The Carl Wolz papers document his career as an educator and choreographer. The collection contains awards, choreographic notes, correspondence,...
Tipton, Jennifer
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 420
82.3 linear feet (122 boxes, 3 oversized folders, 115 tubes); 758.7 mb (627 computer files)
The Jennifer Tipton lighting designs date from 1958 to 2013 and contain technical lighting documents created by Tipton throughout the course of her career as a lighting designer for dance, theater, opera, and installations, primarily in the United...
Gitelman, Claudia
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 444
1.76 linear feet (5 boxes); 794.87 Megabytes (10 computer files)
Claudia Gitelman (1936-2012), was a dancer, choreographer, author, and assistant professor at the Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University. Her artistic collaborators for productions include Alwin Nikolais, Murray Louis, and Hanya Holm....