Found 6 collections related to Drawings

Filtering on: x2001 - 2025
Hoover, Richard
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2006-024
90.26 linear feet (67 boxes, 214 tubes); 117.78 mb (139 computer files)
Richard Hoover (b. 1947) is an American scenic designer, production designer, and art director for theater, television, and film. The collection represents Hoover's professional work as a scenic designer for theater and as a production designer... more
Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury, 1930-
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 311
3.19 linear feet (8 boxes)
The Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury collection contains a partial autobiography, family photographs, publicity, career related photographs, printed matter, and some correspondence relating to the life and career of Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury (1930-2003) an... more
Amram, David
Music Division | JPB 14-29
74.92 linear feet (114 boxes, 33 volumes, 3 oversized folders, 2 tubes)
David Amram (born 1930) is an American composer, conductor, and multi-instrumentalist active in classical, jazz, and folk music. The David Amram papers, dating from 1937 to 2011, most strongly represent his career path from the 1950s through the... more
Monk, Meredith
Music Division | LPA Mss 2006-001
130 linear feet (300 boxes)
The Meredith Monk Archive documents the art of Meredith Monk and the history of The House Foundation For The Arts, Monk’s management and production company. The Archive contains correspondence, media clippings, concert programs, publicity... more
Rummonds, Richard-Gabriel
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2645
86.1 linear feet (178 boxes, 2 volumes, 2 computer files); 77.8 Megabytes
Richard-Gabriel Rummonds (1931- ), is a noted hand-press printer and the founder, printer, and publisher of the Plain Wrapper Press and Ex Ophidia Press which published fine art limited editions of poetry and prose by contemporary authors. He has... more
Resnik, Regina, 1922-2013
Music Division | JPB 15-65
56.13 linear feet (48 boxes, 37 volumes, 2 oversized folders, 6 tubes); 368.3 mb (267 computer files)
Regina Resnik (1922-2013) was an American soprano and mezzo-soprano vocalist, as well as an opera director. The Regina Resnik papers, dating from 1934 to 2013, document Resnik's life and career through correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks,... more
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digitized and are available online.