Found 3 collections related to Prompt books
Sothern, E. H. (Edward Hugh), 1859-1933
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2820
10 linear feet (12 boxes, 9 v.)
Edward Hugh Sothern (1859-1933) was an American actor and author who appeared on the New York and London stages; Julia Marlowe (1865-1950) was a successful actress in New York. They became co-stars in 1904, were married in 1911, and toured, mainly...
Smyth, Clifford, 1866-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2798
.84 linear feet (2 boxes)
Clifford Smyth was a literary critic and editor of the New York Times Book Review. The nature of Smyth's relationship to American actress, dramatist, and poet Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt Ritchie is unknown. Smyth's papers consist of letters from...
Boniface family
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 332
Papers of the Boniface and Jones families. The collection, ca. 1828-1902, consists primarily of manuscripts of plays, most of which were written by Joseph Stevens Jones. Also includes prompt books, account books, diaries, and other family writings.