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x1901 - 1950
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Found 20 collections related to Business records
Filtering on: x1901 - 1950
Shawn, Ted, 1891-1972
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 419
36.93 linear feet (56 boxes, 17 volumes, 8 oversized folders)
Ted Shawn (1891-1972) was an American dancer, choreographer, educator, and founder of Jacob's Pillow, an internationally renowned dance education center and performance space. With Ruth St. Denis, he created the Denishawn School of Dance, the...
Lawrence, A. F. R., 1922-1972
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 16-01
10.46 linear feet (23 boxes, 1 volume, 5 oversized folders)
Alton Forrest Raymond Lawrence (1922-1972) was a sound recording archivist, lawyer, and professional historian who established and organized the record library and company archive of Columbia Records, Inc. beginning in the early 1960s. The...
Ferguson family
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol NYGB 18092
13.86 linear feet (33 boxes)
The Fergusons were an English family that settled in New York City beginning around 1802. The patriarch, Samuel Ferguson, was a prosperous merchant who established familial and commercial relationships with other wealthy and socially prominent New...
Goetz, Ruth
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1999-003
The Papers of Ruth and Augustus Goetz contain documentation of their lives and collaboration as playwrights.
Cox, Henry Miller, 1854-1916
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol NYGB 18098
1.5 linear feet (3 boxes)
Reverend Henry Miller Cox (1854-1916) was a minister of the Reformed Church of America and a genealogist. He held pastorates in New York and New Jersey, and was the author of The Cox Family in America, published in 1912. The Henry Miller Cox...
Soria, Dorle
Music Division | JPB 13-16
2.77 linear feet (7 boxes)
Dorle Jarmel Soria (1900-2002) was a publicist, record company impresario, and journalist in the classical music world of the mid-twentieth century, best known for her founding of the Angel Records label with her husband, Dario Soria. Her papers...
New York Times Company
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 17799
3.67 linear feet (9 boxes, 1 folder)
Julius Ochs Adler was nephew to Adolph Ochs, the publisher of the New York Times. Adler worked in various capacities at the New York Times, including general manager, vice president, and was an...
Baral, Robert
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1983-001
Robert Baral was a free-lance writer and sometime publicist. The collection consists of photographs, clippings, programs, and correspondence relating to Ziegfeld, the Ziegfeld Follies, and the revue era. With its roots...
Samrock, Victor
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2002-008
8.9 linear feet (16 boxes, 13 volumes)
Victor Samrock (1907-1995) was an American theatrical business manager, active in New York theatre from the mid-1930s to the mid-1980s. From 1938 to 1960 he was the general manager of the Playwrights' Company. The Victor Samrock professional files...
Gauthier, Eva, 1885-1958
Music Division | JPB 13-29
4.82 linear feet (14 boxes)
Éva Gauthier (1885-1958) was a Canadian-American vocalist best known for her performances of contemporary music and her associations with George Gershwin, Igor Stravinsky, and other composers. The Éva Gauthier papers, dating from 1899 to 1960,...
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 24608
3.06 linear feet (7 boxes, 1 oversize folder)
The Mercantile Collection, 1726-1950, is a synthetic collection documenting mercantile and other business activities from the early-17th to the mid-20th centuries, especially in the northeastern United States. It consists of papers and records...
Teibel, Irving
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 18-4
4.83 linear feet (13 containers)
Irving Teibel (1938-2010) was a sound engineer and photographer, best known for his field recordings of natural sounds which he released as the Environments series of long-playing records on his own Syntonic Research...
Ellison, Saram Richard, 1852-1918
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1915-001
6.13 linear feet (24 volumes and 1 box)
Compiled by Dr. Saram R. Ellison during the late 19th- and early 20th-centuries, this collection of scrapbooks documents the founding and early years of the Society of American Magicians (S.A.M.), numerous magicians, and various subjects of magic...
Fletcher, Bramwell
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1988-006
1.5 linear feet (4 boxes)
Bramwell Fletcher (1904-1988) was a British stage, film, and television actor best known for his work in plays by George Bernard Shaw, and for his one-man show, The Bernard Shaw Story. The Bramwell Fletcher papers (1934-1981) document his career...
Dunning, Phillip, 1890-1968
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2001-075
2.5 linear feet (5 boxes, 2 volumes, 2 oversized folders)
Philip Dunning (1890-1968) was a playwright and a theatrical producer and director. The Philip Dunning papers, dating from 1912 to 1968, document Dunning's life and career through production files, scrapbooks, and letters. Half of the collection...
Community Council of Greater New York
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 618
23.6 linear feet (52 boxes, 10 volumes)
The Community Council of Greater New York was a city-wide voluntary organization of public and private agencies that provided social services to New York City residents. The collection holds clippings, correspondence, memorandums, minutes,...
Draper, Stephen, approximately 1906-1985
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1986-008
5.5 linear feet (14 boxes)
Stephen Draper (circa 1906-1985) was a theatrical agent best known for his long-term representation of Geraldine Page and Richard Kiley. The Stephen Draper papers (1948-1985) document Draper's work on behalf of his clients, mainly Page. They hold...
Siday, Eric
Music Division | JPB 00-4
6.13 linear feet (20 boxes, 1 oversize folder). 1014 audio files. 40 video files
Eric Siday (1905-1976) was a British-American composer, arranger, producer, and violinist who pioneered the creative use of new technology and recording techniques in advertising and brand identification. One of the first composers to routinely...
Friedman-Abeles (Firm)
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1992-013
195.00 linear feet (468 boxes)
The Friedman-Abeles photographs contain photographic work from the partnership of Leo Friedman, Joseph Abeles, and Sy Friedman, together the pre-eminent photography studio documenting Broadway theatrical productions. The collection consists...
Rollins, Sonny
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 898
73.43 linear feet (144 boxes, 18 volumes, 18 tubes, 7 oversized folders); 37.13 gigabytes (969 computer files)
Theodore Walter "Sonny" Rollins (born September 7th, 1930) is an American jazz tenor saxophonist. His papers, dating from the 1910s to 2015 (the bulk dates from the 1950s onward), document the musical, personal, and career development of one of...
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digitized and are available online.
digitized and are available online.