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Found 4 collections related to ACT UP (Organization)
Fisher, Mark Lowe, d.1992
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1011
2.3 linear feet (3 boxes)
Mark Lowe Fisher was a member of ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power), an activist organization formed in 1987 in New York City. ACT UP utilizes mass demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience to focus public and governmental attention on...
Davis, Tony
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 5987
13 linear feet (29 boxes)
The Tony Davis ACT UP records contain files collected and maintained by Tony Davis, an active member of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) from 1989 to 1996. Davis had a leading role in ACT UP's Treatment and Data Committee, attended...
Ball, Bradley, 1960-1995
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 188
1 linear foot (1 box)
Bradley Anderson Ball (1960-1995) was a founding member and first recording secretary of ACT UP (AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power). He also wrote a weekly feature in Outweek magazine. Bradley Ball's papers consist primarily of personal journal...
Getso, Robert, 1962-2014
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 18095
.42 linear feet (1 box); 1 dvd
The Robert Getso ACT UP collection documents HIV/AIDS activism undertaken by members of ACT UP and the Costas.