Found 3 collections related to Colt, Alvin

Colt, Alvin
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2002-020
3.75 linear feet (14 boxes)
Alvin Colt is an award-winning costume and scenic designer that has worked in film, television and theater. The collection consists mainly of costume designs for television productions from the 1970s and 1980s, but also includes scenic designs for... more
Mielziner, Jo, 1901-1976
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1993-002
Jo Mielziner, set and lighting designer, theater architect and consultant. The collection consists of set and costume designs, technical drawings, elevations and whiteprints documenting the work of Jo Mielziner.
Mielziner, Jo, 1901-1976
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1993-002
Jo Mielziner, set and lighting designer, theater architect and consultant. The collection consists of personal papers, personal and professional correspondence, production materials, office and financial files, writings, professional appearance... more