Club Cubano Inter-Americano, Inc. is a Cuban cultural and social club established in 1945 by Cuban residents who saw the need to develop a cultural space for Cubans and Hispanic Americans living in New York. Although the club's bylaws and...
Club Cubano Inter-Americano, Inc. is a Cuban cultural and social club established in 1945 by Cuban residents who saw the need to develop a cultural space for Cubans and Hispanic Americans living in New York. Although the club's bylaws and constitution stated "regardless of race, sex, creed, political affiliation or religious preference," the bulk of the membership was Black. The collection is divided into four series, Board of Directors, Financial, General, and Melba Alvarado, and is almost entirely in Spanish. The records includes a copy of the club's certificate of incorporation, meeting notices, Reglamentos (rules of governance); Junta Extraordinaria Directiva (special executive board minutes); Libro de Actas (minute book); Relacion de Socios Fundadores (a list of founders), expense logs, correspondence, copies of the organization's first bulletin, "Boletin Oficial," press releases, journals, flyers for events, and related materials.