Found 5 collections related to Ephemera

Dance Magazine
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | *MGZEB 21-0009
4.58 linear feet (11 boxes)
The Dance Magazine photographs recount the magazine's coverage of mostly dance companies and individuals involved in the dance industry from the 1950s to 1992. The photographs also reveal the publication's reporting on... more
Richardson, Julia, 1851-1938
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 186242
0.83 linear feet (2 boxes)
Julia Richardson (1851-1938) was a diarist and the wife of a farmer who lived most of her life in Dracut, Massachusetts. The Julia Richardson diaries date from 1901 to 1938, and detail climatic, social, political, and technological changes, as... more
Plante, David
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS 186098
40.21 linear feet (97 boxes)
David Robert Plante (born 1940) is an American novelist, memorist, poet, and diarist currently residing in Lucca, Italy. The David Plante papers, dated from 1940 to 2022, chronicle Plante's daily life and creative works. The collection holds... more
Lee, Mrs. Harry A.
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2023-004
7.22 linear feet (6 volumes)
Mrs. Harry Lee (née Fay Elma Waterman, 1862-1916) was a theatre enthusiast. These scrapbooks contain theatre ephemera from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Lee assembled these scrapbooks while traveling with her husband Harry A. Lee (1845-1919)... more
Dodge, Pryor
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 558
5.25 linear feet (11 boxes)
Pryor Dodge (1949-) is an author and collector and the son of Lyena Barjansky and Roger Pryor Dodge. Roger Pryor Dodge (1898-1974) was an American dancer. Roger Pryor Dodge's work was focused on the intersection of ballet, vaudeville, jazz, and... more