Found 5 collections related to Clift, Montgomery

Bosworth, Patricia
Billy Rose Theatre Division | -Mss 2006-009
7 linear feet (16 boxes)
The Patricia Bosworth Papers consist largely of her manuscripts and research files for Montgomery Clift: A Biography (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978), but also contains material relating to other writings and... more
Clift, Montgomery
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1967-006
6 linear feet (5 boxes, 4 volumes)
Montgomery Clift (1920-1966) was an American stage and Academy Award-winning film actor. The additions to the Montgomery Clift papers include production files, correspondence, photographs and personal ephemera.
Clift, Montgomery
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1967-006
11 linear feet (31 boxes and 1 oversized folder)
The papers of Montgomery Clift consist of a small amount of correspondence, scripts, photographs, notes and scrapbooks. The strength of the collection is in the large number of annotated scripts which range from early drafts to final scripts. The... more
Fraser, Elisabeth
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1999-025
Elisabeth Fraser was a stage, screen and television actress. Her papers consist of correspondence, diaries and journals, scripts and ephemera documenting her career.
United States. Armed Forces Radio Service
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 88-31
ca; 750 sound discs
The Armed Forces Radio Service collection of broadcast recordings consists of electrical transcription discs that the AFRS distributed for broadcast. The substantial portion of the collection consists of concert recordings of the Boston Symphony,... more