The Harold Clurman papers contain notebooks and journals, director's annotated scripts, manuscript drafts and annotated typescripts of Clurman's books, and photograph scrapbooks documenting his career as a director, critic and writer. The...
The Harold Clurman papers contain notebooks and journals, director's annotated scripts, manuscript drafts and annotated typescripts of Clurman's books, and photograph scrapbooks documenting his career as a director, critic and writer. The materials span from 1935 through 1978 and give an interesting look at Clurman's work and thought process as a director. Notebooks contain his ideas on plot and character development, as well as casting notes and ideas for plays which he directed, while the scripts contain his director's annotations and compliment the notebooks for research and study of Clurman's techniques as a director. Drafts and typescripts of Mr. Clurman's three books: On Directing; All People Are Famous; and Ibsen show these works as they evolved. Finally, the photograph scrapbooks give a pictorial representation of specific plays including AWAKE AND SING and foreign productions of THE ICEMAN COMETH and LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT.