E. B. Marks (1865-1945) was an American music publisher who founded the Edward B. Marks Music Company. The E. B. Marks collection of photographs and ephemera consist of clippings, publications, photographs, programs, promotional material, and...
E. B. Marks (1865-1945) was an American music publisher who founded the Edward B. Marks Music Company. The E. B. Marks collection of photographs and ephemera consist of clippings, publications, photographs, programs, promotional material, and other materials. Most of the clippings and publications date from about the 1930s to the 1940s and concern television and radio broadcasting, music, and film. There are programs from the first annual conference of the Television Broadcasters Association in 1944. Clippings concern the early development of television, film advertising, and individual musicians, among other topics. There are also clippings on theater from about the 1910s to the 1920s, and one folder of clippings on the evangelist Billy Sunday, dating to the 1910s. The collection contains programs for performances and lectures, which date from 1875 to 1911 and come from American theaters. The photographs in the collection are mostly of performers. There are a large number of photographs of vaudeville minstrel Eddie Leonard, as well as caricatures of Leonard, and a photograph of his wife, Mabel Russell. The collection contains one photograph identified as E. B. Marks. The collection includes several play scenarios, script excerpts, and song lyrics, including two scenarios in French by Charles Méré. The collection also contains a booklet produced by NBC's Radio-Recording Division, called "Family Album" and showing photographs of the division's employees; brochures and posters for "Lest We Forget," an educational radio series about American history and government created by the Institute of Oral and Visual Education; and a pedigree for a Jersey bull, Gold Dust the Fourth, dated 1882.