Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet (1828-1919) was a renowned surgeon and early collector of American manuscripts of the revolutionary era. His collection was purchased by John S. Kennedy and presented to The New York Public Library in 1896. Emmet's papers...
Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet (1828-1919) was a renowned surgeon and early collector of American manuscripts of the revolutionary era. His collection was purchased by John S. Kennedy and presented to The New York Public Library in 1896. Emmet's papers consist of correspondence and a small quantity of personal papers. Correspondence with Worthington C. Ford, letters to Walter R. Benjamin, and letters from Augustin Daly concern the purchase of manuscripts; letters to Albert Rosenthal relate to prints and portraits to be used as extra-illustrations in his books. Personal papers include Emmet's business licenses and receipts for book and manuscript purchases. Also present are several fragmentary or unidentified 18th century manuscripts