Found 5 collections related to Autobiography

Davis, Benjamin J. (Benjamin Jefferson), 1903-1964
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-6129
Divided into four series, Correspondence, the Smith Act Trial, Writings and Printed matter, the Benjamin J. Davis, Jr. Papers document Davis's life and political career from 1949 to the time of his death. The Correspondence series is grouped into... more
Harris, Frank, 1856-1931
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1329
.35 linear feet (1 box, 1 v.)
Frank Harris (1855-1931) was an Irish-born American novelist, biographer, editor, and playwright. He is best known for his controversial autobiography, My Life and Loves. He edited several literary journals including Vanity Fair and Pearson's... more
Chapin, Theodore S.
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2015-001
5.3 linear feet (13 boxes); 80.32 Megabytes (1 computer file)
Ted Chapin (1950-) is an American arts administrator, director and musical director, who has been at the Rodgers and Hammerstein Organization since 1981, serving as president and executive director since 1983. In 1971 he was a production assistant... more
Weaver, Helen, 1931-
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS 34292
5.0 linear feet (12 boxes)
Helen Weaver (1931-2021) was a literary translator, author, and astrologer. The Helen Weaver papers include research files, correspondence, and manuscripts related to the publication of her book The Awakener: A Memoir of... more
Dickstein, Morris
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 18867
42.56 linear feet (103 boxes, 2 oversize folders). 50.1 megabytes (3,207 computer files)
The Morris Dickstein papers, dating from 1940 to 2018 (bulk dates 1962-2018), chronicle the career of American literary scholar, author, critic, and former Distinguished Professor of English and Theatre at the City University of New York Graduate... more
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digitized and are available online.