Found 22 collections related to Cowell, Henry, 1897-1965

Hitchcock, H. Wiley (Hugh Wiley), 1923-2007
Music Division | JPB 09-5
29 linear feet (71 boxes)
H. Wiley Hitchcock, an American musicologist, was influential in advancing the study of American music in the United States. He was a noted scholar of Charles Ives and Henry Cowell, and the founder and longtime director of the Institute for the... more
Erdman, Jean
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 170
36 linear feet (66 boxes)
The Jean Erdman Papers document the professional life of Jean Erdman Campbell, a dancer, choreographer, and dance instructor. Materials date from the late 1930s to the mid-1990s, and cover the early stages of her career as well as productions... more
Cowell, Henry, 1897-1965
Music Division | JPB 00-03 [Text]
82.3 linear feet (203 boxes)
The Henry Cowell Papers document the composer’s life in great detail. They include scores, writings, correspondence, business and financial papers, promotional material, clippings and articles, concert programs, teaching material, photographs,... more
Weintraub, Eugene
Music Division | JPB 12-02
.63 linear feet (2 boxes)
The Eugene Weintraub papers consist of correspondence between Weintraub and his clients, and a biographical file about Weintraub, including essays by the publishers. Much of the correspondence is from the composer George Antheil.
Weisgall, Hugo
Music Division | JPB 00-43
ca. 13.75 linear feet (36 boxes)
Papers documenting the career of the Czech-born American composer between the 1930s and the 1990s. Includes scores, libretti, posters, correspondence, clippings, programs, writings on music, financial documents and photographs.
Cowell, Henry, 1897-1965
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 88-33
These noncommercial music and spoken word recordings were collected by Henry Cowell and primarily consist of his own compositions and lectures, as well as numerous field recordings of folk and ethnic music. Additional recordings contain music by... more
International Society for Contemporary Music
Music Division | JPB 11-5
7.98 linear feet (20 boxes)
The League of Composers / International Society for Contemporary Music records contain the papers of the League's co-founder and first Executive Director, Claire Raphael Reis; the records of both the League of Composers and the United States... more
Becker, John J.
Music Division | JPB 04-27
24.25 linear feet (61 boxes)
John J. Becker was the only Midwestern member of a group of ultramodernist American composers known as the “American Five”. He was known for his use of difficult techniques of counterpoint and harmony. Becker’s most important works include more
Schillinger, Joseph, 1895-1943
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 89-16
These noncommercial acetate disc recordings were collected by Schillinger, and in many instances recorded by him as well. Works by Schillinger in the collection include many of his piano compositions and improvisations. Other composers prominently... more
Schillinger, Joseph, 1895-1943
Music Division | JPB 86-8
17.6 linear feet (37 boxes)
The Joseph Schillinger Papers contain the composer/theorist's writings, composition lesson texts, student notebooks, scores, charts, personal papers, clippings and promotional material.
Cowell, Henry, 1897-1965
Music Division | JPB 99-5
13 items
Henry Cowell was a noted American composer, pianist, music educator, and founder of the publication New Music and the New Music Society of California. Lilly (or Lily) Popper was Henry Cowell's colleague in a school of music. 13 TLS written from... more
Cowell, Olive Thompson, 1887-1984
Music Division | JPB 99-4
4 items
Olive Thompson Cowell was married to Harry Cowell, father of composer Henry Cowell. Lilly (or Lily) Popper was Henry Cowell's colleague in a school of music. 4 TLS regarding Henry Cowell's arrest for a sexual offense and incarceration in San... more
Cowell, Olive Thompson, 1887-1984
Music Division | JPB 99-3
1 item (44 leaves), 28 cm; 1 item (44 leaves), 28 cm
Includes material on the career of composer Henry Cowell; encounters with many musicians and other artists, the founding of New Music and the New Music Society; an extended trip to Ireland, Russia, and points between in 1929 with Henry; various... more
Holland, Jeanette B.
Music Division | JPB 14-26
.63 linear feet (2 boxes)
Jeanette B. Holland (1901-2001), was a musicologist and a scholar of early music. The Jeanette B. Holland papers, dating from 1949 to 1976, contain her research notes, annotated copies of Renaissance music manuscripts, papers by other researchers,... more
New Music Society of California
Music Division | *MNY-Amer. (New Music)
Society founded by Henry Cowell. Chiefly correspondence.
Luening, Otto, 1900-1996
Music Division | JPB 94-07
72.68 linear feet (203 boxes)
The Otto Luening papers contain the composer's scores, correspondence, writings, subject files, and other professional papers; and family papers of his siblings, parents, extended family, and ancestors, including the scores of his father, Eugene... more
Hays, Sorrel, 1941-
Music Division | JPB 23-1
15.12 linear feet (42 boxes). 51.6 gigabytes (2533 computer files)
Sorrel Hays (1941-2020) was a composer, pianist, and artist best known for her compositions Southern Voices (1981), The Glass Woman (1989-1993), and Our Giraffe... more
Wigglesworth, Frank, 1918-1996
Music Division | JPB 97-44
432 linear ft. : 95 boxes
The Frank Wigglesworth Papers document Wigglesworth's life and career. The collection was assembled by Wigglesworth over the course of his lifetime, and includes musical scores, correspondence, clippings, programs, miscellaneous papers,... more
Society for Asian Music
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 90-19
108 reels : 5", 7", and 10" audio tape reels
These music and spoken word recordings were collected under the auspices of the Society for Asian Music, and the contents of the recordings primarily concern Asian music, in both specific and general contexts. The Society was also the sponsor of... more
Lippincott, Gertrude
Music Division | JPB 98-26
The Gertrude Lippincott Collection of Ballet Music contains music used by Lippincott in creating ballets.
National Orchestral Association (U.S.)
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 88-10
26 linear feet sound discs; 322 sound tape reels
The collection consists of recordings of concerts and rehearsals of the National Ochestral Association between the years 1938 and 1968. The collection also includes intermission features with various soloists.
Little Orchestra Society
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 88-30
The collection consists of concert recordings, made for Mr. Scherman, from late 1947 to late 1957.

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