Scope and arrangement
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence, and an undated notebook. The manuscripts and typescripts consist of an obituary for Rupert Brooke, as well as notes, poems, and an article about the author by Max Beerbohm, John Masefield, and Vincent Sheean. The correspondence includes letters from the author, dating from [1898?] to 1947, to Sir Edward Howard Marsh, Vincent Sheean, Humbert Wolfe, and the literary agency of A. P. Watt and Son, as well as letters relating to the author, dating from 1910 to 1954, between various correspondents, including Richard Aldington, Leonard Clark, Frank Harris, Sir Edward Howard Marsh, Hugh Owen Meredith, Virginia Woolf, and A. P. Watt and Son. Also present are letters to Churchill from Timothy Healy, Sir Edward Marsh, and Vincent Sheean, dating from 1921 to 1940.
The Sir Winston Churchill collection of papers are arranged in two series: