Scope and arrangement
The Martin Pakledinaz collection dates from 1981 to 2011, and chronicles Pakledinaz's creative process and professional output as a costume designer. The materials focus primarily on his work in New York City, and are arranged into two groupings: Production Bibles and Personal Files.
The Production Bibles, compiled by Pakledinaz, are composed of material related to both costume design and general show production. They comprise the bulk of the collection and are arranged alphabetically by production title. The costume bible materials, which make up the majority of this grouping, include original and reproduced sketches, research files, manuscript notes, photographs, textile swatches, material sourcing information, costume and palette plots, and other ephemera produced during the course of Pakledinaz's career in New York City. Photographs of costume construction, actor fittings, and final costume iterations are common in 2004 and later productions. Some audio and video recordings of performances and cast events related to the production of The Pirate Queen and The Nightingale and the Rose are also included.
Shows that went on tour after opening on Broadway, such as Kiss Me, Kate (1999) and Grease (2007), have tour bibles in addition to original production bibles. Large cast productions, such as Thoroughly Modern Millie (2002), have separate bibles for principal, ensemble, understudy, and swing cast members, as well as bibles dedicated solely to shoes, hats, and accessories.
In addition to material solely related to costume design and fabrication, the collection also contains financial reimbursement forms, awards, bid bibles, rehearsal reports, staging notes, photographs, playbills, souvenir brochures, promotional materials, and reviews. Correspondence with cast, crew, and producers are also present.
The collection does not include bibles for every production that Pakledinaz worked on throughout his career. The bulk of the collection is related to his work in New York City, including touring productions that originally premiered on Broadway. Bibles for work with other national or international theaters, dance companies, or opera houses are largely absent.
Bibles related to Pakledinaz's final shows, Chaplin (2012) and Nice Work If You Can Get It (2012), are not included, nor are bibles from the first four shows in which he was credited as costume designer. Many of his early or smaller shows are either represented only via production files with no accompanying costume bibles, or are not present in the materials at all. All of Pakledinaz's Tony Award-nominated productions are included, with the exception of Anything Goes and Nice Work.
The Personal Files include correspondence, photographs, and video clips with or from friends, unrelated to Pakledinaz's professional career.