Scope and arrangement
The collection consists entirely of scripts of original plays and adaptations from the early career of the playwright Edward Albee. It includes typescripts and proofs, many with handwritten revisions, and in various versions. Plays included in the collection are The Zoo Story, The Death Of Bessie Smith, The American Dream, Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?, Fam and Yam, Tiny Alice, A Delicate Balance, Box and Quotations from Chairman Mao, and the adaptations: The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, Malcolm, Everything in the Garden, and a musical adaptation of Breakfast at Tiffany's . Also contains some unfinished and untitled manuscripts, including a few that are entirely handwritten. There is, however, no copy of The Sandbox, an Albee play from this period, in the collection.
The collection, in one series, scripts, is arranged alphabetically by title. Within a title, they are arranged in the order of their former RM (cataloging) numbers.