Scope and arrangement
The L. Arnold Weissburger client files, dating from 1925 to 1981, document the lawyer's career through letters from and legal papers regarding his clients. These include the actors John Houseman, Louis Calhern, Judith Evelyn, and Cyril Ritchard; the stage designer Patricia Zipprodt; the lyricists and composers Kay Swift, Alec Wilder, Vernon Duke, Lehman Engel, Leslie Bricusse, Howard Dietz, and Arthur Schwartz; and the writers S.N. Behrman, Guy Bolton, Maurice Valency, Jerome Weidman, and Hugh Wheeler.
Clients with the most content are Patricia Zipprodt, Vernon Duke, Cyril Ritchard, Judith Evelyn, and Maurice Valency. The Zipprodt files primarily contain business or legal letters and contracts, and are arranged by project. Most other clients were friends with Weissburger to a greater or lesser degree, and their letters tend to be more personal, though all clients discuss legal or business questions. The Guy Bolton letters mainly discuss his attempt to write a musical with Tim Rice based on Jeeves, the P.G. Wodehouse character.
The papers also contain a script for the musical Seventh Heaven, by Victor Young, Stella Unger, and Victor Wolfson.
The collection is arranged by client name or subject.