Scope and arrangement
The José Famadas papers, dating from 1926 to 1991, document Famadas's work as a magician and historian of magic through correspondence, photographs, subject files, and newsletters.
The correspondence, dating from 1932 to 1990, is with magicians, magic organizations of several nations, publishers of books on magic, and fans of magic. Many of the letters are in Portuguese or Spanish. The correspondence files also hold programs, clippings, and Famadas's notes on individuals listing their address and interests, and logging their past correspondence. For many correspondents, only Famadas's notes are present. Correspondents include Professor Aronack (Aaron Ackerman), O Tacape Mágico, Arrom (Renato Moura), J.A. Camacho Barriga, Herbert Bressane, Círculo Mágico Argentina, Teral Garrett, James Hagy, F. Wiliam Kuethe, Jr., Dick Marvel, Élcio Moura, Jorge Musso, Ray Oliveira, Professor Rubnil (Rubem Siqueira Campos), Antonio Navas Sánchez, and Antigo Villaneuva. The folder for the Associaçao dos Mágicos de Minas Gerais contains a copy of Mystics magazine with a biography of Famadas (box 1, folder 7).
The photographs date from 1926 to 1980. Composed of formal and informal portraits or performance images, they picture magicians worldwide, many of them friends of Famadas who sent him the photographs, usually signed. Subjects include magicians from Argentina, Brazil, China, Norway, and the United States, such as Mr. Argos (Barbona da Nascimento), Milbourne Christopher, Sir Edwards and Connie, Fu-Manchu (David Bamberg), Li Tang, Élcio Moura, Yosha Mouice, Professor Rubnil (Sigueira Campos), and Howard Thurston.
The subject files hold information on various kinds of magic and deceptions. They include clippings, articles, bibliographies, book excerpts, newsletters, and pamphlets. Famadas divided them into four categories: Technical (tricks), Magic (general), Frauds and Delusions, and Related Arts. Catalog cards outlining further subdivisions can be found in box 5, folder 5.
The newsletters are from magic publishers and supply houses, and double as catalogs. Some also have programs or flyers for performances. Dating from the 1980s to the early 1990s, they include runs from the publishers Ken Baker's MagicLand, Magico Magazine, Mickey Hades International, Rabbit in the Hat Ranch, and Sun Magic.
The papers are arranged by format.