Scope and arrangement
"Five Years" is an 18-page typescript of sixteen unpublished poems (the last two being carbons) written by Baldwin between 1942 and 1948 prior to the publication of his first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain. The poems, which are dated, explore themes of love, fear and mortality, lifelong preoccupations of the author best known for his insightful essays and probing fiction.
The typescript contains a small number of minor corrections, which might be Baldwin's. The title leaf bears the following inscription in the author's hand: "These are my only copies - bit by bit I'd like you to send me copies - and I'll send the things I have back to you -- Jimmy". Poems include: "Epitaph"; "On the Subway"; "Eighth Street"; "Song (1)"; "Song (2)"; "Wastrel Song"; "Sonnet"; "Song"; "Duel in the Tavern"; "Portrait"; "For Chris"; "Devotional"; and untitled poems.