Scope and arrangement
The Robert A. Simmons Collection documents his teaching and political careers during the Reconstruction era, as well as some aspects of his personal life and real estate ventures. Correspondence between Simmons and his friend John R. Porter discuss securing teaching positions in Holmes County, Mississippi, 1870. Correspondence with friends and relatives discuss personal matters, 1887-1915. There are also certificates of appointment as sheriff (1875), tax collector (1875), and supervisor of registration of voters (1876).
The balance of the collection deals with property and business matters. There are cancelled property deeds for hundreds of acres of property Simmons owned, some jointly with L.A. Bell, 1875-1891; as well as promissory notes he signed for land owned by the Louisville, New Orleans and Texas Railway Company, 1886-1892. Correspondence in the 1920s discusses the purchase of United States Oil Corporation stock by a relative, Charles R. Iles. The collection also contains photocopies of photographic portraits of family members, and a family tree.