Scope and arrangement
The New York Black Nurses Association records reflect the activities of the local branch as well as its interface with the National Black Nurses Association at annual meetings. The collection includes minutes of the board of directors, rosters of members and officers, annual reports, programs, projected annual calendar of activities, financial statements, attendance sheets for various projects, and correspondence from other nursing and medical organizations regarding participation in their programs. Records in the collection provide details about such NYBNA activities as health screening at churches, colleges, fraternities, Black Expo and Harlem Week, and specific programs in which the organization was involved. Documentation from other organizations in support of various federal, state, and local medical and political activities as well as reports discussing participation in voter registration drives illustrates NYBNA's participation in campaigns for social justice issues. Annual reports also show that the NYBNA was active in the annual Black Nurses' Day on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Additional files demonstrate the organization's commitment to the recruitment and education of Black nurses via their scholarship program and attendance at an annual career day.
Arranged in chronological order.