Scope and arrangement
The Riverton Houses collection consists of a variety of material but does not constitute records of the Riverton. These files came from the Administration offices at 2156 Madison Avenue. Included is a file for Clifford L. Alexander, Sr., the first resident manager (1947-1964) of the complex. There are also miscellaneous files dealing with the management of the Riverton, including the position description for the resident manager; descriptive information regarding the Riverton; and letters regarding street lights, parking signs, and traffic conditions affecting the residents of the Riverton.
Of interest is a file concerning the article "Fifth Avenue Uptown" written by James Baldwin for the July 1960 issue of Esquire. Residents of upper Fifth Avenue, including Riverton tenants, took exception to Baldwin 's characterization of the neighborhood. Clippings about housing issues, Harlem, and Alexander round out this collection, as do various publications dealing with development of the Riverton-Harlem River Park area during the 1960s.