Scope and arrangement
The Henryton Tuberculosis Sanatorium ledger is a handwritten log for several thousand patients treated at the sanatorium from January 1944 to October 1960. This folio-sized ledger records detailed information about each patient, identified by number only. Data includes age, sex, marital status, religion, occupation, country of residence, and length of stay. Pertinent information regarding the patients condition and symptoms are recorded as well, including disease status when admitted (minimal, moderate, advanced, etc.), extent of lesions, condition when discharged (improved, unimproved, died), followed by pulse, temperature, and weight when admitted and discharged. Laid in is a typed letter dated 1954 from William Wilson informing the hospital that the writer will no longer be able to visit the hospital to cut the hair of patients. Also inserted is a small collection of news clippings from 1992 on tuberculosis.